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Record 1 of 85
Author(s): Abraham, J (Abraham, J.); Abreu, P (Abreu, P.); Aglietta, M (Aglietta, M.); et al.
Group Author(s): Pierre Auger Collaboration
Title: Atmospheric effects on extensive air showers observed with the surface detector of the Pierre Auger observatory
Source: ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS, 32 (2): 89-99 SEP 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2009.06.004

Record 2 of 85
Author(s): Abraham, J (Abraham, J.); Abreu, P (Abreu, P.); Aglietta, M (Aglietta, M.); et al.
Group Author(s): Pierre Auger Collaboration
Title: Upper limit on the cosmic-ray photon fraction at EeV energies from the Pierre Auger Observatory
Source: ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS, 31 (6): 399-406 JUL 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2009.04.003

Record 3 of 85
Author(s):Abraham, J (Abraham, J.); Abreu, P (Abreu, P.); Aglietta, M (Aglietta, M.); et al.
Group Author(s): Pierre Auger Collaboration
Title: Limit on the diffuse flux of ultrahigh energy tau neutrinos with the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 79 (10): Art. No. 102001 MAY 2009
Article Number: 102001
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.79.102001

Record 4 of 85
Author(s): Anjos, RM (Anjos, R. M.); Rizzotto, M (Rizzotto, M.); Sanches, N (Sanches, N.); Velasco, H (Velasco, H.); Valladares, DL (Valladares, D. L.); Macario, KD (Macario, K. D.)
Title: Accumulation of Cs-137 and K-40 in aboveground organs of tropical woody fruit plants
DOI: 10.1007/s10967-009-0092-9

Record 5 of 85
Author(s): Anjos, RM (Anjos, R. M.); Mosquera, B (Mosquera, B.); Sanches, N (Sanches, N.); Cambui, CA (Cambui, C. A.); Mercier, H (Mercier, H.)
Title: Caesium, potassium and ammonium distributions in different organs of tropical plants
DOI: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2008.04.001

Record 6 of 85
Author(s): Augusto, CRA (Augusto, C. R. A.); Navia, CE (Navia, C. E.); do Valle, RL (do Valle, R. Lopes); da Silva, TF (da Silva, T. F.)
Title: Digital signal processing for time of flight measurements of muons at sea level
DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2009.10.052

Record 7 of 85
Author(s): Barioni, A (Barioni, A.); Guimaraes, V (Guimaraes, V.); Lepine-Szily, A (Lepine-Szily, A.); Lichtenthaler, R (Lichtenthaeler, R.); Mendes, DR (Mendes, D. R., Jr.); Crema, E (Crema, E.); Pires, KCC (Pires, K. C. C.); Morais, MC (Morais, M. C.); Morcelle, V (Morcelle, V.); de Faria, PN (de Faria, P. N.); Condori, RP (Condori, R. P.); Moro, AM (Moro, A. M.); Monteiro, DS (Monteiro, D. S.); Shorto, JMB (Shorto, J. M. B.); Lubian, J (Lubian, J.); Assuncao, M (Assuncao, M.)
Title: Elastic scattering and total reaction cross sections for the Li-8+C-12 system
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 80 (3): Art. No. 034617 SEP 2009
Article Number: 034617
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.034617

Record 8 of 85
Author(s): Bonifacio, R (Bonifacio, R.); Piovella, N (Piovella, N.); Robb, GRM (Robb, G. R. M.); Serbeto, A (Serbeto, A.)
Title: Quantum-fluid description of the free-electron laser
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 79 (1): Art. No. 015801 JAN 2009
Article Number: 015801
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.79.015801

Record 9 of 85
Author(s): Brigatti, E (Brigatti, E.); Roditi, I (Roditi, I.)
Title: Conventions spreading in open-ended systems
Source: NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 11: Art. No. 023018 FEB 11 2009
Article Number: 023018
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/11/2/023018

Record 10 of 85
Author(s): Canto, LF (Canto, L. F.); Lubian, J (Lubian, J.); Gomes, PRS (Gomes, P. R. S.); Hussein, MS (Hussein, M. S.)
Title: Continuum-continuum coupling and polarization potentials for weakly bound systems
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 80 (4): Art. No. 047601 OCT 2009
Article Number: 047601
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.047601

Record 11 of 85
Author(s): Canto, LF (Canto, L. F.); Gomes, PRS (Gomes, P. R. S.); Lubian, J (Lubian, J.); Lotti, P (Lotti, P.); Chamon, LC (Chamon, L. C.); Crema, E (Crema, E.)
Title: Barrier distributions for weakly bound systems
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 80 (3): Art. No. 034615 SEP 2009
Article Number: 034615
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.034615

Record 12 of 85
Author(s): Canto, LF (Canto, L. F.); Gomes, PRS (Gomes, P. R. S.); Lubian, J (Lubian, J.); Chamon, LC (Chamon, L. C.); Crema, E (Crema, E.)
Title: Dynamic effects of breakup on fusion reactions of weakly bound nuclei
Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 821: 51-71 APR 15 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2009.02.001

Record 13 of 85
Author(s): Cavalcanti, GH (Cavalcanti, G. H.); Farias, EE (Farias, E. E.)
Title: Analysis of the energetic parameters of a theta pinch
Source: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 80 (12): Art. No. 125109 DEC 2009
Article Number: 125109
DOI: 10.1063/1.3272785

Record 14 of 85
Author(s): Chianca, CV (Chianca, C. V.); Martins, JSS (Sa Martins, J. S.); de Oliveira, PM (de Oliveira, P. M. C.)
Title: Mapping the train model for earthquakes onto the stochastic sandpile model
Source: EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B, 68 (4): 549-555 APR 2009
DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2009-00122-7

Record 15 of 85
Author(s): Chiapparini, M (Chiapparini, M.); Bracco, ME (Bracco, M. E.); Delfino, A (Delfino, A.); Malheiro, M (Malheiro, M.); Menezes, DP (Menezes, D. P.); Providencia, C (Providencia, C.)
Title: Hadron production in non-linear relativistic mean field models
Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 826 (1-2): 178-189 JUL 15 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2009.05.002

Record 16 of 85
Author(s): Cordeiro, CE (Cordeiro, C. E.); Delfino, A (Delfino, A.); Frederico, T (Frederico, T.)
Title: Theoretical study of work function of conducting single-walled carbon nanotubes by a non-relativistic field theory approach
Source: CARBON, 47 (3): 690-695 MAR 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2008.11.004

Record 17 of 85
Author(s): Cordeiro, CE (Cordeiro, C. E.); Delfino, A (Delfino, A.); Frederico, T (Frederico, T.)
Title: Nearly-free-electron effective model for conducting nanotubes
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 79 (3): Art. No. 035417 JAN 2009
Article Number: 035417
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.035417

Record 18 of 85
Author(s): Crokidakis, N (Crokidakis, N.); Soares-Pinto, DO (Soares-Pinto, D. O.); Reis, MS (Reis, M. S.); Souza, AM (Souza, A. M.); Sarthour, RS (Sarthour, R. S.); Oliveira, IS (Oliveira, I. S.)
Title: Finite-size analysis of a two-dimensional Ising model within a nonextensive approach
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 80 (5): Art. No. 051101 Part 1 NOV 2009
Article Number: 051101
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.80.051101

Record 19 of 85
Author(s): Crokidakis, N (Crokidakis, Nuno); de Menezes, MA (de Menezes, Marcio Argollo)
Title: Emergence of clusters in growing networks with ageing
Article Number: P04018
DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/2009/04/P04018

Record 20 of 85
Author(s): Crokidakis, N (Crokidakis, Nuno)
Title: First-order phase transition in a 2D random-field Ising model with conflicting dynamics
Article Number: P02058
DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/2009/02/P02058

Record 21 of 85
Author(s): Culchac, FJ (Culchac, F. J.); Porras-Montenegro, N (Porras-Montenegro, N.); Latge, A (Latge, A.)
Title: Hydrostatic pressure effects on electron states in GaAs-(Ga,Al)As double quantum rings
Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 105 (9): Art. No. 094324 MAY 1 2009
Article Number: 094324
DOI: 10.1063/1.3124643

Record 22 of 85
Author(s): de Mello, EVL (de Mello, E. V. L.); Kasal, RB (Kasal, R. B.); Passos, CAC (Passos, C. A. C.); Filho, OST (Filho, Otton S. T.)
Title: Electronic phase separation and the inhomogeneities in Bi2212
Source: PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 404 (19): 3119-3122 OCT 15 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2009.07.061

Record 23 of 85
Author(s): de Mello, EVL (de Mello, E. V. L.); Kasal, RB (Kasal, R. B.); Passos, CAC (Passos, C. A. C.)
Title: Electronic phase separation transition as the origin of the superconductivity and pseudogap phase of cuprates
Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 21 (23): Art. No. 235701 JUN 10 2009
Article Number: 235701
DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/21/23/235701

Record 24 of 85
Author(s): Delfino, A (Delfino, A.); Frederico, T (Frederico, T.); Tomio, L (Tomio, Lauro)
Title: Charged three-body system with arbitrary masses near conformal invariance
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 80 (5): Art. No. 052509 NOV 2009
Article Number: 052509
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.80.052509

Record 25 of 85
Author(s): Dinola, IC (Dinola, I. C.); Saguia, A (Saguia, A.); Boechat, B (Boechat, B.)
Title: Real space renormalization group study of the two-dimensional super-antiferromagnetic Ising model
Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A, 373 (18-19): 1606-1609 APR 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2009.02.074

Record 26 of 85
Author(s): dos Santos, BC (dos Santos, B. Coutinho); Dechoum, K (Dechoum, K.); Khoury, AZ (Khoury, A. Z.)
Title: Continuous-Variable Hyperentanglement in a Parametric Oscillator with Orbital Angular Momentum
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 103 (23): Art. No. 230503 DEC 4 2009
Article Number: 230503
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.230503

Record 27 of 85
Author(s): Euzebio, JAR (Euzebio, Jonatas A. R.); Reis, FDAA (Aarao Reis, F. D. A.)
Title: Scaling of surface roughness and polymer structure in a model for film growth and polymerization
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 80 (2): Art. No. 021605 Part 1 AUG 2009
Article Number: 021605
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.80.021605

Record 28 of 85
Author(s): Ferreira, CN (Ferreira, C. N.); Helayel-Neto, JA (Helayel-Neto, J. A.); Tomimura, NA (Tomimura, N. A.)
Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A, 24 (8-9): 1537-1540 APR 10 2009

Record 29 of 85
Author(s): Franco, R (Franco, R.); Silva-Valencia, J (Silva-Valencia, J.); Figueira, MS (Figueira, M. S.)
Title: The low temperature spectral weight transfer problem in Kondo insulators
Source: EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B, 67 (2): 159-167 JAN 2009
DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2009-00030-x

Record 30 of 85
Author(s): Freitas, DC (Freitas, D. C.); Continentino, MA (Continentino, M. A.); Guimaraes, RB (Guimaraes, R. B.); Fernandes, JC (Fernandes, J. C.); Oliveira, EP (Oliveira, E. P.); Santelli, RE (Santelli, R. E.); Ellena, J (Ellena, J.); Eslava, GG (Eslava, G. G.); Ghivelder, L (Ghivelder, L.)
Title: Partial magnetic ordering and crystal structure of the ludwigites Co2FeO2BO3 and Ni2FeO2BO3
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 79 (13): Art. No. 134437 APR 2009
Article Number: 134437
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.134437

Record 31 of 85
Author(s): Galhardo, CEC (Galhardo, C. E. C.); Penna, TJP (Penna, T. J. P.); de Menezes, MA (de Menezes, M. Argollo); Soares, PPS (Soares, P. P. S.)
Title: Detrended fluctuation analysis of a systolic blood pressure control loop
Source: NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 11: Art. No. 103005 OCT 2 2009
Article Number: 103005
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/11/10/103005

Record 32 of 85
Author(s): Galvao, EF (Galvao, Ernesto F.)
Title: Economical ontological models for discrete quantum systems
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 80 (2): Art. No. 022106 AUG 2009
Article Number: 022106
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.80.022106

Record 33 of 85
Author(s): Garcia, VN (Garcia, V. N.); Lubian, J (Lubian, J.); Gomes, PRS (Gomes, P. R. S.); Gomez-Camacho, A (Gomez-Camacho, A.); Canto, LF (Canto, L. F.)
Title: Be-9 breakup polarization potential at near-barrier energies
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 80 (3): Art. No. 037602 SEP 2009
Article Number: 037602
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.037602

Record 34 of 85
Author(s): Gomes, PRS (Gomes, P. R. S.); Lubian, J (Lubian, J.); Paes, B (Paes, B.); Garcia, VN (Garcia, V. N.); Monteiro, DS (Monteiro, D. S.); Padron, I (Padron, I.); Figueira, JM (Figueira, J. M.); Arazi, A (Arazi, A.); Capurro, OA (Capurro, O. A.); Fimiani, L (Fimiani, L.); Negri, AE (Negri, A. E.); Marti, GV (Marti, G. V.); Niello, JOF (Fernandez Niello, J. O.); Gomez-Camacho, A (Gomez-Camacho, A.); Canto, LF (Canto, L. F.)
Title: Near-barrier fusion, breakup and scattering for the Be-9+(SM)-S-144 system
Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 828 (3-4): 233-252 SEP 15 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2009.07.008

Record 35 of 85
Author(s): Gomes, PRS (Gomes, P. R. S.); Lubian, J (Lubian, J.); Canto, LF (Canto, L. F.)
Title: Breakup effects in fusion reactions of stable weakly bound nuclei and light targets
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 79 (2): Art. No. 027606 FEB 2009
Article Number: 027606
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.79.027606

Record 36 of 85
Author(s): Gomez, L (Gomez, L.); Tran, H (Tran, H.); Perrin, A (Perrin, A.); Gamache, RR (Gamache, R. R.); Laraia, A (Laraia, A.); Orphal, J (Orphal, J.); Chelin, P (Chelin, P.); Fellows, CE (Fellows, C. E.); Hartmann, JM (Hartmann, J. -M.)
Title: Some improvements of the HNO3 spectroscopic parameters in the spectral region from 600 to 950cm(-1)
DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2008.07.004

Record 37 of 85
Author(s): Hor-Meyll, M (Hor-Meyll, M.); Auyuanet, A (Auyuanet, A.); Borges, CVS (Borges, C. V. S.); Aragao, A (Aragao, A.); Huguenin, JAO (Huguenin, J. A. O.); Khoury, AZ (Khoury, A. Z.); Davidovich, L (Davidovich, L.)
Title: Environment-induced entanglement with a single photon
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 80 (4): Art. No. 042327 OCT 2009
Article Number: 042327
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.80.042327

Record 38 of 85
Author(s): Kirwan, DF (Kirwan, D. F.); de Menezes, VM (de Menezes, V. M.); Rocha, CG (Rocha, C. G.); Costa, AT (Costa, A. T.); Muniz, RB (Muniz, R. B.); Fagan, SB (Fagan, S. B.); Ferreira, MS (Ferreira, M. S.)
Title: Enhanced spin-valve effect in magnetically doped carbon nanotubes
Source: CARBON, 47 (10): 2533-2537 AUG 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2009.04.048

Record 39 of 85
Author(s): Lourenco, O (Lourenco, O.); Amaral, RLPG (Amaral, R. L. P. G.); Dutra, M (Dutra, M.); Delfino, A (Delfino, A.)
Title: Nonlinear Walecka models and point-coupling relativistic models
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 80 (4): Art. No. 045206 OCT 2009
Article Number: 045206
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.045206

Record 40 of 85
Author(s): Lubian, J (Lubian, J.); Canto, LF (Canto, L. F.); Gomes, PRS (Gomes, P. R. S.); Shorto, JMB (Shorto, J. M. B.); Chamon, LC (Chamon, L. C.); Crema, E (Crema, E.)
Title: Breakup effects in fusion and total reaction cross sections of weakly bound systems
Source: REVISTA MEXICANA DE FISICA, 55 (2): 71-75 Suppl. S DEC 2009

Record 41 of 85
Author(s): Lubian, J (Lubian, J.); Correa, T (Correa, T.); Aguilera, EF (Aguilera, E. F.); Canto, LF (Canto, L. F.); Gomez-Camacho, A (Gomez-Camacho, A.); Quiroz, EM (Quiroz, E. M.); Gomes, PRS (Gomes, P. R. S.)
Title: Effects of breakup couplings on B-8+Ni-58 elastic scattering
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 79 (6): Art. No. 064605 JUN 2009
Article Number: 064605
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.79.064605

Record 42 of 85
Author(s): Maciel, GS (Maciel, G. S.); Guimaraes, RB (Guimaraes, R. B.); Barreto, PG (Barreto, P. G.); Carvalho, ICS (Carvalho, I. C. S.); Rakov, N (Rakov, N.)
Title: The influence of Yb3+ doping on the upconversion luminescence of Pr3+ in aluminum oxide based powders prepared by combustion synthesis
Source: OPTICAL MATERIALS, 31 (11): 1735-1740 SEP 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.optmat.2009.05.007

Record 43 of 85
Author(s): Martins, JSS (Sa Martins, Jorge S.); Stauffer, D (Stauffer, Dietrich); de Oliveira, PMC (de Oliveira, Paulo M. C.); de Oliveira, SM (de Oliveira, Suzana Moss)
Title: Simulated self-organization of death by inherited mutations

Record 44 of 85
Author(s): Mattos, TG (Mattos, T. G.); Reis, FDAA (Aarao Reis, Fabio D. A.)
Title: Response to the letter "Mass transport on composite catalytic surfaces by V. Zhdanov"
Source: JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, 266 (2): 393-394 SEP 10 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2009.06.013

Record 45 of 85
Author(s): Mattos, TG (Mattos, T. G.); Reis, FDAA (Aarao Reis, Fabio D. A.)
Title: Phase transitions and crossovers in reaction-diffusion models with catalyst deactivation
Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 131 (1): Art. No. 014505 JUL 7 2009
Article Number: 014505
DOI: 10.1063/1.3159001

Record 46 of 85
Author(s): Mattos, TG (Mattos, T. G.); Reis, FDAA (Aarao Reis, Fabio D. A.)
Title: Effects of diffusion and particle size in a kinetic model of catalyzed reactions
Source: JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, 263 (1): 67-74 APR 1 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2009.01.011

Record 47 of 85
Author(s): Monteiro, DS (Monteiro, D. S.); Gomes, PRS (Gomes, P. R. S.); Lubian, J (Lubian, J.)
Title: Interpretation of quasi-elastic barrier distributions for weakly bound systems
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 80 (4): Art. No. 047602 OCT 2009
Article Number: 047602
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.047602

Record 48 of 85
Author(s): Monteiro, DS (Monteiro, D. S.); Capurro, OA (Capurro, O. A.); Arazi, A (Arazi, A.); Niello, JOF (Fernandez Niello, J. O.); Figueira, JM (Figueira, J. M.); Marti, GV (Marti, G. V.); Heimann, DM (Martinez Heimann, D.); Negri, AE (Negri, A. E.); Pacheco, AJ (Pacheco, A. J.); Guimaraes, V (Guimaraes, V.); Otomar, DR (Otomar, D. R.); Lubian, J (Lubian, J.); Gomes, PRS (Gomes, P. R. S.)
Title: Near- and subbarrier elastic and quasielastic scattering of the weakly bound Li-6 projectile on Sm-144
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 79 (1): Art. No. 014601 JAN 2009
Article Number: 014601
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.79.014601

Record 49 of 85
Author(s): Moura, LG (Moura, L. G.); Malard, LM (Malard, L. M.); Carneiro, MA (Carneiro, M. A.); Venezuela, P (Venezuela, P.); Capaz, RB (Capaz, Rodrigo B.); Nishide, D (Nishide, D.); Achiba, Y (Achiba, Y.); Shinohara, H (Shinohara, H.); Pimenta, MA (Pimenta, M. A.)
Title: Charge transfer and screening effects in polyynes encapsulated inside single-wall carbon nanotubes
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 80 (16): Art. No. 161401 OCT 2009
Article Number: 161401
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.161401

Record 50 of 85
Author(s): Mukherjee, S (Mukherjee, S.); Nayak, BK (Nayak, B. K.); Monteiro, DS (Monteiro, D. S.); Lubian, J (Lubian, J.); Gomes, PRS (Gomes, P. R. S.); Appannababu, S (Appannababu, S.); Choudhury, RK (Choudhury, R. K.)
Title: Quasi-elastic scattering in the Li-6+Th-232 reaction
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 80 (1): Art. No. 014607 JUL 2009
Article Number: 014607
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.014607

Record 51 of 85
Author(s): Noce, RD (Noce, R. D.); Gomes, ODM (Gomes, O. D. M.); de Magalhaes, SD (de Magalhaes, S. D.); Wolf, W (Wolf, W.); Guimaraes, RB (Guimaraes, R. B.); de Castro, AC (de Castro, A. C.); Pires, MJM (Pires, M. J. M.); Macedo, WAA (Macedo, W. A. A.); Givord, D (Givord, D.); Barthem, VMTS (Barthem, V. M. T. S.)
Title: Magnetic properties of Fe-Cu alloys prepared by pulsed electrodeposition
Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 106 (9): Art. No. 093907 NOV 1 2009
Article Number: 093907
DOI: 10.1063/1.3253725

Record 52 of 85
Author(s): Oliveira-Neto, G (Oliveira-Neto, G.); Silva, EVC (Correa Silva, E. V.); Lemos, NA (Lemos, N. A.); Monerat, GA (Monerat, G. A.)
Title: Probing singularities in quantum cosmology with curvature scalars
Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A, 373 (23-24): 2012-2016 MAY 25 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2009.04.002

Record 53 of 85
Author(s): Oliveira, TJ (Oliveira, Tiago J.); Stilck, JF (Stilck, Juergen F.); Serra, P (Serra, Pablo)
Title: Grand-canonical and canonical solution of self-avoiding walks with up to three monomers per site on the Bethe lattice
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 80 (4): Art. No. 041804 Part 1 OCT 2009
Article Number: 041804
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.80.041804

Record 54 of 85
Author(s): Otomar, DR (Otomar, D. R.); Lubian, J (Lubian, J.); Gomes, PRS (Gomes, P. R. S.); Monteiro, DS (Monteiro, D. S.); Capurro, OA (Capurro, O. A.); Arazi, A (Arazi, A.); Niello, JOF (Fernandez Niello, J. O.); Figueira, JM (Figueira, J. M.); Marti, GV (Marti, G. V.); Heimann, DM (Martinez Heimann, D.); Negri, AE (Negri, A. E.); Pacheco, AJ (Pacheco, A. J.); Guimaraes, V (Guimaraes, V.); Chamon, LC (Chamon, L. C.)
Title: Breakup coupling effects on near-barrier quasi-elastic scattering of Li-6,Li-7 on Sm-144
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 80 (3): Art. No. 034614 SEP 2009
Article Number: 034614
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.80.034614

Record 55 of 85
Author(s): Padilha, IT (Padilha, Igor T.); Continentino, MA (Continentino, M. A.)
Title: First and second order quantum phase transitions in multi-band superconductors
Source: PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 404 (19): 2920-2923 OCT 15 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2009.07.035

Record 56 of 85
Author(s): Padilha, IT (Padilha, Igor T.); Continentino, MA (Continentino, Mucio A.)
Title: Pressure induced superconductor quantum critical point in multi-band systems
DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2009.06.056

Record 57 of 85
Author(s): Padilha, IT (Padilha, I. T.); Continentino, MA (Continentino, M. A.)
Title: Pressure induced FFLO instability in multi-band superconductors
Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 21 (9): Art. No. 095603 MAR 4 2009
Article Number: 095603
DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/21/9/095603

Record 58 of 85
Author(s): Passos, CAC (Passos, C. A. C.); Orlando, MTD (Orlando, M. T. D.); Keller, GLL (Keller, G. L. L.); Passamai, JL (Passamai, J. L., Jr.); Ferreira, JA (Ferreira, J. A.); de Mello, EVL (de Mello, E. V. L.)
Title: Description of the transport critical current density behavior of polycrystalline superconductors as a function of the applied magnetic field
Source: PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 404 (19): 3123-3126 OCT 15 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2009.07.062

Record 59 of 85
Author(s): Pereira, D (Pereira, D.); Silva, CP (Silva, C. P.); Lubian, J (Lubian, J.); Rossi, ES (Rossi, E. S., Jr.); Chamon, LC (Chamon, L. C.); Nobre, GPA (Nobre, G. P. A.); Correa, T (Correa, T.)
Title: Understanding fusion suppression and enhancement in the O-18+Ni-58,Ni-60,Ni-64 systems
Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 826 (3-4): 211-222 AUG 1 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2009.06.015

Record 60 of 85
Author(s): Pereira, D (Pereira, D.); Lubian, J (Lubian, J.); Oliveira, JRB (Oliveira, J. R. B.); de Sousa, DP (de Sousa, D. P.); Chamon, LC (Chamon, L. C.)
Title: An imaginary potential with universal normalization for dissipative processes in heavy-ion reactions
Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B, 670 (4-5): 330-335 JAN 5 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2008.10.066

Record 61 of 85
Author(s): Pereira, LFC (Pereira, L. F. C.); Rocha, CG (Rocha, C. G.); Latge, A (Latge, A.); Coleman, JN (Coleman, J. N.); Ferreira, MS (Ferreira, M. S.)
Title: Upper bound for the conductivity of nanotube networks
Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 95 (12): Art. No. 123106 SEP 21 2009
Article Number: 123106
DOI: 10.1063/1.3236534

Record 62 of 85
Author(s): Pinto, ACA (Aguiar Pinto, A. C.); Moutinho, M (Moutinho, M.); Thomaz, MT (Thomaz, M. T.)
Title: Berry's phase in the two-level model
Source: BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 39 (2): 326-330 JUN 2009

Record 63 of 85
Author(s): Queiros, SMD (Duarte Queiros, Silvio M.); Crokidakis, N (Crokidakis, Nuno); Soares-Pinto, DO (Soares-Pinto, Diogo O.)
Title: Effect of platykurtic and leptokurtic distributions in the random-field Ising model: Mean-field approach
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 80 (1): Art. No. 011143 Part 1 JUL 2009
Article Number: 011143
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.80.011143

Record 64 of 85
Author(s): Raineri, M (Raineri, M.); Gallardo, M (Gallardo, M.); Borges, FO (Borges, F. O.); Trigueiros, AG (Trigueiros, A. G.); Almandos, JR (Almandos, J. Reyna)
Title: Extended analysis of the Al-like argon spectrum
Source: PHYSICA SCRIPTA, 79 (2): Art. No. 025302 FEB 2009
Article Number: 025302
DOI: 10.1088/0031-8949/79/02/025302

Record 65 of 85
Author(s): Rakov, N (Rakov, N.); Gomez, LA (Gomez, L. A.); Rativa, DJ (Rativa, D. J.); Maciel, GS (Maciel, G. S.)
Title: Blue upconversion emission from Tm3+ sensitized by Nd3+ in aluminum oxide crystalline ceramic powders
Source: APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 94 (2): 199-202 FEB 2009
DOI: 10.1007/s00340-008-3329-3

Record 66 of 85
Author(s): Reyes, D (Reyes, D.); Continentino, MA (Continentino, M. A.)
Title: Field induced order in magnetic systems: Marginal case
Source: PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 404 (19): 3048-3051 OCT 15 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2009.07.010

Record 67 of 85
Author(s): Rios, LA (Rios, L. A.); Shukla, PK (Shukla, P. K.); Serbeto, A (Serbeto, A.)
Title: Photon equivalent charge in a two-electron temperature Fermi plasma
Source: JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS, 75: 3-7 Part 1 FEB 2009
DOI: 10.1017/S0022377808007289

Record 68 of 85
Author(s): Ritter, C (Ritter, C.); Pacheco, M (Pacheco, M.); Orellana, P (Orellana, P.); Latge, A (Latge, A.)
Title: Electron transport in quantum antidots made of four-terminal graphene ribbons
Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 106 (10): Art. No. 104303 NOV 15 2009
Article Number: 104303
DOI: 10.1063/1.3259408

Record 69 of 85
Author(s): Rojas, O (Rojas, Onofre); Thomaz, MT (Thomaz, M. T.); Silva, EVC (Correa Silva, E. V.); de Souza, SM (de Souza, S. M.)
Title: Thermodynamics of the Mn-12-ac molecule in a skew magnetic field at T greater than or similar to 21 K
Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 21 (2): Art. No. 026012 JAN 14 2009
Article Number: 026012
DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/21/2/026012

Record 70 of 85
Author(s): Rosales, L (Rosales, L.); Pacheco, M (Pacheco, M.); Barticevic, Z (Barticevic, Z.); Leon, A (Leon, A.); Latge, A (Latge, A.); Orellana, PA (Orellana, P. A.)
Title: Transport properties of antidot superlattices of graphene nanoribbons
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 80 (7): Art. No. 073402 AUG 2009
Article Number: 073402
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.073402

Record 71 of 85
Author(s): Rosales, L (Rosales, L.); Pacheco, M (Pacheco, M.); Barticevic, Z (Barticevic, Z.); Latge, A (Latge, A.); Orellana, PA (Orellana, P. A.)
Title: Conductance gaps in graphene ribbons designed by molecular aggregations
Source: NANOTECHNOLOGY, 20 (9): Art. No. 095705 MAR 4 2009
Article Number: 095705
DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/20/9/095705

Record 72 of 85
Author(s): Salmon, OR (Salmon, Octavio R.); Crokidakis, N (Crokidakis, Nuno); Nobre, FD (Nobre, Fernando D.)
Title: Multicritical behavior in a random-field Ising model under a continuous-field probability distribution
Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 21 (5): Art. No. 056005 FEB 4 2009
Article Number: 056005
DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/21/5/056005

Record 73 of 85
Author(s): Sanchez, DR (Sanchez, D. R.); Alzamora, M (Alzamora, M.); Munevar, J (Munevar, J.); Wang, NL (Wang, N. L.); Cheng, GF (Cheng, G. F.); Baggio-Saitovitch, E (Baggio-Saitovitch, E.)
Title: Mossbauer study of superconducting NdFeAsO0.88F0.12 and its parent compound NdFeAsO
Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 21 (45): Art. No. 455701 NOV 11 2009
Article Number: 455701
DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/21/45/455701

Record 74 of 85
Author(s): Sarandy, MS (Sarandy, M. S.)
Title: Classical correlation and quantum discord in critical systems
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 80 (2): Art. No. 022108 AUG 2009
Article Number: 022108
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.80.022108

Record 75 of 85
Author(s): Sarasua, LG (Sarasua, L. G.); Moreno-Gobbi, A (Moreno-Gobbi, A.); Continentino, MA (Continentino, M. A.)
Title: Magnetic transitions in a double exchange-Holstein model with electron-phonon interactions coupled to magnetism
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 79 (6): Art. No. 064408 FEB 2009
Article Number: 064408
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.064408

Record 76 of 85
Author(s): Schwammle, V (Schwaemmle, V.); Queiros, SMD (Queiros, S. M. D.); Brigatti, E (Brigatti, E.); Tchumatchenko, T (Tchumatchenko, T.)
Title: Competition and fragmentation: a simple model generating lognormal-like distributions
Source: NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 11: Art. No. 093006 SEP 14 2009
Article Number: 093006
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/11/9/093006

Record 77 of 85
Author(s): Scopel, WL (Scopel, W. L.); Venezuela, P (Venezuela, P.); Muniz, RB (Muniz, R. B.)
Title: Magnetic and structural properties of Mn adatoms on copper nitride over Cu(100)
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 79 (13): Art. No. 132403 APR 2009
Article Number: 132403
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.132403

Record 78 of 85
Author(s): Serbeto, A (Serbeto, A.); Monteiro, LF (Monteiro, L. F.); Tsui, KH (Tsui, K. H.); Mendonca, JT (Mendonca, J. T.)
Title: Quantum plasma fluid model for high-gain free-electron lasers
Source: PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, 51 (12): Art. No. 124024 DEC 2009
Article Number: 124024
DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/51/12/124024

Record 79 of 85
Author(s): Seridonio, AC (Seridonio, A. C.); Yoshida, M (Yoshida, M.); Oliveira, LN (Oliveira, L. N.)
Title: Universal zero-bias conductance through a quantum wire side-coupled to a quantum dot
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 80 (23): Art. No. 235318 DEC 2009
Article Number: 235318
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.235318

Record 80 of 85
Author(s): Seridonio, AC (Seridonio, A. C.); Souza, FM (Souza, F. M.); Del Nero, J (Del Nero, J.); Shelykh, IA (Shelykh, I. A.)
Title: Fano-Kondo spin filter
DOI: 10.1016/j.physe.2009.05.006

Record 81 of 85
Author(s): Seridonio, AC (Seridonio, A. C.); Souza, FM (Souza, F. M.); Shelykh, IA (Shelykh, I. A.)
Title: Spin-polarized STM for a Kondo adatom
Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 21 (9): Art. No. 095003 MAR 4 2009
Article Number: 095003
DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/21/9/095003

Record 82 of 85
Author(s): Shorto, JMB (Shorto, J. M. B.); Gomes, PRS (Gomes, P. R. S.); Lubian, J (Lubian, J.); Canto, LF (Canto, L. F.); Mukherjee, S (Mukherjee, S.); Chamon, LC (Chamon, L. C.)
Title: Reaction functions for weakly bound systems
Source: PHYSICS LETTERS B, 678 (1): 77-81 JUL 6 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2009.05.069

Record 83 of 85
Author(s): Silva-Valencia, J (Silva-Valencia, J.); Franco, R (Franco, R.); Figueira, MS (Figueira, M. S.)
Title: Entanglement and the ground state of fermions trapped in optical lattices
Source: PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 404 (19): 3332-3334 OCT 15 2009
DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2009.07.088

Record 84 of 85
Author(s): Souza, RDE (de Melo e Souza, R.); Cougo-Pinto, MV (Cougo-Pinto, M. V.); Farina, C (Farina, C.); Moriconi, M (Moriconi, M.)
Title: Multipole radiation fields from the Jefimenko equation for the magnetic field and the Panofsky-Phillips equation for the electric field
Source: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 77 (1): 67-72 JAN 2009
DOI: 10.1119/1.2990666

Record 85 of 85
Author(s): Venezuela, P (Venezuela, P.); Muniz, RB (Muniz, R. B.); Costa, AT (Costa, A. T.); Edwards, DM (Edwards, D. M.); Power, SR (Power, S. R.); Ferreira, MS (Ferreira, M. S.)
Title: Emergence of local magnetic moments in doped graphene-related materials
Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 80 (24): Art. No. 241413 DEC 2009
Article Number: 241413
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.241413
Last Updated on Thursday, 26 May 2011 15:07