The Graduate Program in Physics of the Institute of Physics at UFF (IF-UFF) offers master e doctorate courses in Physics, with a wide range of theoretical and experimental research areas. It is a well established Program, with international performance in the CAPES/Brazil evaluation.
Among our strengths are the high scientific productivity of students and professors alike, and the professor participation in undergrad teaching as well as graduate teaching. In the last few years there has been an increase in the experimental research at IF-UFF, as consequence of an effort to balance well theoretical and experimental efforts. See here the research areas developed at IF-UFF.
The Graduate Program in Physics at UFF has more than a 40-year history. It started in 1976 with a Master's course, six years after the implementation of the undergrad and teacher training programs in Physics at UFF. In 1985 the Doctorate in Physics at IF-UFF started, initially only in the area of Condensed Matter. The other areas of research started to be represented in the Doctorate Program in 1994.
At the four-year evaluation performed by CAPES/Brazil, the course has currently achieved grade 6 (within a maximum of 7). This reflects the quality of the course, letting it among the participants of the excellence program PROEX of CAPES/Brazil. The participation in PROEX has strongly contributed to improve the support to the activities of teaching and research associated with the Graduate Program.
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Last Updated on Tuesday, 20 October 2020 10:25 |