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Modeling the growth of an altered layer in mineral weathering 
By: Aarao Reis, Fabio D. A.
GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   Volume: 166   Pages: 298-311   Published: OCT 1 2015 
Strong Electronic Selectivity in the Shallow Core Excitation of the CH2Cl2 Molecule 
By: Alcantara, K. F.; Gomes, A. H. A.; Wolff, W.; et al.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A   Volume: 119   Issue: 33   Pages: 8822-8831   Published: AUG 20 2015 
Outer-Shell Double Photoionization of CH4 and CH2Cl2 Molecules 
By: Alcantara, K. F.; Gomes, A. H. A.; Sigaud, L.; et al.
Edited by: Doyle, BL; Glass, GA; McDaniel, FD; et al.
Conference: 23rd International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI) Location: San Antonio, TX Date: MAY 25-30, 2014 
23rd International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry - CAARI 2014   Book Series: Physics Procedia   Volume: 66   Pages: 2-9   Published: 2015 
Generalized mutual information of quantum critical chains 
By: Alcaraz, F. C.; Rajabpour, M. A.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 91   Issue: 15     Article Number: 155122   Published: APR 15 2015 
Oscillating magneto- and electrocaloric effects on bilayer graphenes 
By: Alisultanov, Z. Z.; Reis, M. S.
SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS   Volume: 206   Pages: 17-21   Published: MAR 2015 
Oscillating magnetocaloric effect in quantum nanoribbons 
By: Alisultanov, Z. Z.; Meilanov, R. P.; Paixao, L. S.; et al.
PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES   Volume: 65   Pages: 44-50   Published: JAN 2015 
Radiocarbon reservoir corrections on the Brazilian coast from prebomb marine shells 
By: Alves, Eduardo; Macario, Kita; Souza, Rosa; et al.
QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY   Volume: 29   Pages: 30-35   Published: AUG 2015 
By: Alves, Eduardo; Macario, Kita; Souza, Rosa; et al.
Conference: 1st International Conference Radiocarbon and Diet: Aquatic Food Resources and Reservoir Effects Location: Keil, GERMANY Date: SEP, 2014 
RADIOCARBON   Volume: 57   Issue: 4   Pages: 517-525   Published: 2015 
Thermofield-bosonization on compact space 
By: Amaral, R. L. P. G.; Belvedere, L. V.
ANNALS OF PHYSICS   Volume: 353   Pages: 19-36   Published: FEB 2015 
Gauge fields in graphene with nonuniform elastic deformations: A quantum field theory approach 
By: Arias, Enrique; Hernandez, Alexis R.; Lewenkopf, Caio
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 92   Issue: 24     Article Number: 245110   Published: DEC 8 2015 
By: Augusto, C. R. A.; Navia, C. E.; De Oliveira, M. N.; et al.
ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   Volume: 805   Issue: 1     Article Number: 69   Published: MAY 20 2015 
Experimental realization of the quantum duel game using linear optical circuits 
By: Balthazar, W. F.; Passos, M. H. M.; Schmidt, A. G. M.; et al.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS   Volume: 48   Issue: 16   Special Issue: SI     Article Number: 165505   Published: AUG 28 2015 
Using Polarization to Control the Phase of Spatial Modes for Application in Quantum Information (vol 44, pg 658, 2014) 
By: Balthazar, W. F.; Caetano, D. P.; Souza, C. E. R.; et al.
BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS   Volume: 45   Issue: 1   Pages: 194-194   Published: FEB 2015 
Simultaneous Quantum Duel 
By: Balthazar, Wagner F.; Huguenin, Jose A. O.; Schmidt, Alexandre G. M.
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   Volume: 84   Issue: 12     Article Number: 124002   Published: DEC 15 2015 
Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars 
By: Belvedere, R.; Cipolletta, F.; Cherubini, C.; et al.
Edited by: DeAlmeida, UB; Chardonnet, P; Negreiros, RP; et al.
Conference: 2nd ICRANet Cesar Lattes Meeting - Supernovae, Neutron Stars and Black Holes Location: Rio De Janeiro, BRAZIL Date: APR 13-22, 2015 
Sponsor(s): Cent Brasileiro Pesquisas Fisicas; Coordenacao Aperfeicoamento Pessoal Nivel Super; European Union, Educ Audiovisual & Culture Execut Agcy; Espaco Ciencia Recife; Estacao Ciencias Auditorium Joao Pessoa; Fundacao Carlos Chagas Filho Amparo Pesquisa Estado Rio De Janeiro; Fundacao Planetario Cidade Rio De Janeiro; Inst Fed Educacao Ciencia Tecnologia Ceara; Int Ctr Relativist Astrophys Network; Univ Fed Paraiba; Univ Fed Pernambuco; Univ Fed Fluminense; ICTP; Ceara; ITA; IHEP; UNS; Univ Sapienza Rome; UNAM; INPE; UIS; Univ Nice Sophia Antipolis; State Comm Sci RA; NAS Armenia; FAPERJ; Consortium GARR; BSU; IHES; NASB; ASI; UNIFEI; Al Farabi Kazhak Natl Univ; Univ Fed Rio Grande Sul; Inst Fisica; Univ Estado Rio De Janeiro; UFF; UAM; CNR; UFSC; UFPE; INFN; IFCE; LeCosPA; UnB
SECOND ICRANET CESAR LATTES MEETING: SUPERNOVAE, NEUTRON STARS AND BLACK HOLES   Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings   Volume: 1693     Article Number: 030001   Published: 2015 
On the spin-down of young neutron stars 
By: Bernal, Cristian G.; Negreiros, R.
Edited by: DeAlmeida, UB; Chardonnet, P; Negreiros, RP; et al.
Conference: 2nd ICRANet Cesar Lattes Meeting - Supernovae, Neutron Stars and Black Holes Location: Rio De Janeiro, BRAZIL Date: APR 13-22, 2015 
Sponsor(s): Cent Brasileiro Pesquisas Fisicas; Coordenacao Aperfeicoamento Pessoal Nivel Super; European Union, Educ Audiovisual & Culture Execut Agcy; Espaco Ciencia Recife; Estacao Ciencias Auditorium Joao Pessoa; Fundacao Carlos Chagas Filho Amparo Pesquisa Estado Rio De Janeiro; Fundacao Planetario Cidade Rio De Janeiro; Inst Fed Educacao Ciencia Tecnologia Ceara; Int Ctr Relativist Astrophys Network; Univ Fed Paraiba; Univ Fed Pernambuco; Univ Fed Fluminense; ICTP; Ceara; ITA; IHEP; UNS; Univ Sapienza Rome; UNAM; INPE; UIS; Univ Nice Sophia Antipolis; State Comm Sci RA; NAS Armenia; FAPERJ; Consortium GARR; BSU; IHES; NASB; ASI; UNIFEI; Al Farabi Kazhak Natl Univ; Univ Fed Rio Grande Sul; Inst Fisica; Univ Estado Rio De Janeiro; UFF; UAM; CNR; UFSC; UFPE; INFN; IFCE; LeCosPA; UnB
SECOND ICRANET CESAR LATTES MEETING: SUPERNOVAE, NEUTRON STARS AND BLACK HOLES   Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings   Volume: 1693     Article Number: 030006   Published: 2015 
Regularization of energy-momentum tensor correlators and parity-odd terms 
By: Bonora, Loriano; Pereira, Antonio Duarte; de Souza, Bruno Lima
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS   Issue: 6     Article Number: 024   Published: JUN 4 2015 
Magnetic properties of the helimagnet Cr1/3NbS2 observed by mu SR 
By: Braam, D.; Gomez, C.; Tezok, S.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 91   Issue: 14     Article Number: 144407   Published: APR 7 2015 
Substrate effects and diffusion dominated roughening in Cu2O electrodeposition 
By: Brandt, I. S.; Zoldan, V. C.; Stenger, V.; et al.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS   Volume: 118   Issue: 14     Article Number: 145303   Published: OCT 14 2015 
Pressure exerted by a grafted polymer: Bethe lattice solution 
By: Brum, Rafael Mynssem; Stilck, Juergen F.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL   Volume: 48   Issue: 3     Article Number: 035002   Published: JAN 23 2015 
Effects of a random gauge field on the conductivity of graphene sheets with disordered ripples 
By: Burgos, Rhonald; Warnes, Jesus; Lima, Leandro R. F.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 91   Issue: 11     Article Number: 115403   Published: MAR 2 2015 
Pseudogap and the specific heat of highT(c) superconductors: a Hubbard model in a n-pole approximation 
By: Calegari, E. J.; Lausmann, A. C.; Magalhaes, S. G.; et al.
Edited by: Zhitomirsky, M; DeReotier, PD
Conference: International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES) Location: Univ Grenoble, Grenoble, FRANCE Date: JUL 07-14, 2014 
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STRONGLY CORRELATED ELECTRON SYSTEMS 2014 (SCES2014)   Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series   Volume: 592   Published: 2015  
The double pendulum: a numerical study 
By: Calvao, A. C.; Penna, T. J. P.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS   Volume: 36   Issue: 4     Article Number: 045018   Published: JUL 2015 
Recent developments in fusion and direct reactions with weakly bound nuclei 
By: Canto, L. F.; Gomes, P. R. S.; Donangelo, R.; et al.
PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS   Volume: 596   Pages: 1-86   Published: SEP 20 2015 
Reduction of fusion and reaction cross sections at near-barrier energies 
By: Canto, L. F.; Mendes Junior, D. R.; Gomes, P. R. S.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 92   Issue: 1     Article Number: 014626   Published: JUL 29 2015 
Signatures of the Giant Pairing Vibration in the C-14 and C-15 atomic nuclei 
By: Cappuzzello, F.; Carbone, D.; Cavallaro, M.; et al.
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS   Volume: 6     Article Number: 6743   Published: MAR 2015 
Non-perturbative treatment of the linear covariant gauges by taking into account the Gribov copies 
By: Capri, M. A. L.; Pereira, A. D.; Sobreiro, R. F.; et al.
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   Volume: 75   Issue: 10     Article Number: 479   Published: OCT 6 2015 
Exact nilpotent nonperturbative BRST symmetry for the Gribov-Zwanziger action in the linear covariant gauge 
By: Capri, M. A. L.; Fiorentini, D.; Guimaraes, M. S.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW D   Volume: 92   Issue: 4     Article Number: 045039   Published: AUG 27 2015 
Exploring the C-12(O-18,O-16)C-14 two-neutron transfer reaction at energies far above the Coulomb barrier 
By: Carbone, D.; Cappuzzello, F.; Agodi, C.; et al.
Book Group Author(s): IOP
Conference: 1st NUBA International Conference on Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics Location: Akdeniz Univ, Antalya, TURKEY Date: SEP 14-21, 2014 
NUBA CONFERENCE SERIES -1: NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND ASTROPHYSICS   Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series   Volume: 590     Article Number: 012030   Published: 2015 
Multipolarity analysis for C-14 high-energy resonance populated by (O-18, O-16) two-neutron transfer reaction 
By: Carbone, D.; Cappuzzello, F.; Cavallaro, M.; et al.
Edited by: Lipoglavsek, M; Milin, M; Niksic, T; et al.
Conference: 3rd International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Dynamics Location: Portoroz, SLOVENIA Date: JUN 14-19, 2015 
Sponsor(s): Jozef Stefan Inst; Univ Zagreb, Phys Dept; Ruder Boskov Inst
NUCLEAR STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS '15   Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings   Volume: 1681     Article Number: 060004   Published: 2015 
By: Carvalho, Carla; Macario, Kita; De Oliveira, Maria Isabela; et al.
Conference: 1st International Radiocarbon in the Environment Conference Location: Queens Univ Belfast, Belfast, NORTH IRELAND Date: AUG 18-22, 2014 
RADIOCARBON   Volume: 57   Issue: 3   Special Issue: SI   Pages: 459-467   Published: 2015 
New software for AMS data analysis developed at IF-UFF Brazil 
By: Castro, M. D.; Macario, K. D.; Gomes, P. R. S.
Conference: 13th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) Location: Aix en Provence, FRANCE Date: AUG 24-29, 2014 
Ferromagnetism in two band metals: The very strong coupling limit 
By: Chaves, C. M.; Calegari, E. J.; Magalhaes, S. G.; et al.
PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER   Volume: 474   Pages: 77-80   Published: OCT 1 2015 
Symmetries of quantum transport with Rashba spin-orbit: graphene spintronics 
By: Chico, Leonor; Latge, Andrea; Brey, Luis
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS   Volume: 17   Issue: 25   Pages: 16469-16475   Published: 2015 
Effects of Neutrino Emissivity on the Cooling of Neutron Stars in the Presence of a Strong Magnetic Field 
By: Coelho, Eduardo Lenho; Chiapparini, Marcelo; Negreiros, Rodrigo Picanco
Edited by: DeAlmeida, UB; Chardonnet, P; Negreiros, RP; et al.
Conference: 2nd ICRANet Cesar Lattes Meeting - Supernovae, Neutron Stars and Black Holes Location: Rio De Janeiro, BRAZIL Date: APR 13-22, 2015 
Sponsor(s): Cent Brasileiro Pesquisas Fisicas; Coordenacao Aperfeicoamento Pessoal Nivel Super; European Union, Educ Audiovisual & Culture Execut Agcy; Espaco Ciencia Recife; Estacao Ciencias Auditorium Joao Pessoa; Fundacao Carlos Chagas Filho Amparo Pesquisa Estado Rio De Janeiro; Fundacao Planetario Cidade Rio De Janeiro; Inst Fed Educacao Ciencia Tecnologia Ceara; Int Ctr Relativist Astrophys Network; Univ Fed Paraiba; Univ Fed Pernambuco; Univ Fed Fluminense; ICTP; Ceara; ITA; IHEP; UNS; Univ Sapienza Rome; UNAM; INPE; UIS; Univ Nice Sophia Antipolis; State Comm Sci RA; NAS Armenia; FAPERJ; Consortium GARR; BSU; IHES; NASB; ASI; UNIFEI; Al Farabi Kazhak Natl Univ; Univ Fed Rio Grande Sul; Inst Fisica; Univ Estado Rio De Janeiro; UFF; UAM; CNR; UFSC; UFPE; INFN; IFCE; LeCosPA; UnB
SECOND ICRANET CESAR LATTES MEETING: SUPERNOVAE, NEUTRON STARS AND BLACK HOLES   Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings   Volume: 1693     Article Number: 030005   Published: 2015 
Energetics of an interacting electron system on a surface 
By: Cordeiro, C. E.; Lima, G. D.; Delfino, A.; et al.
SURFACE SCIENCE   Volume: 632   Pages: 77-82   Published: FEB 2015 
Search of a systematic behaviour for the weakly bound complete fusion suppression caused by breakup 
By: Cortes, M. R.; Gomes, P. R. S.; Lubian, J.; et al.
Book Group Author(s): IOP
Conference: 37th Brazilian Meeting on Nuclear Physics (XXXVII RTFNB) Location: Sao Paulo, BRAZIL Date: SEP 08-12, 2014 
XXXVII BRAZILIAN MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS   Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series   Volume: 630     Article Number: UNSP 012017   Published: 2015 
Breakdown of the adiabatic approach for magnetization damping in metallic ferromagnets 
By: Costa, A. T.; Muniz, R. B.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 92   Issue: 1     Article Number: 014419   Published: JUL 22 2015 
Inflexibility and independence: Phase transitions in the majority-rule model 
By: Crokidakis, Nuno; Castro de Oliveira, Paulo Murilo
PHYSICAL REVIEW E   Volume: 92   Issue: 6     Article Number: 062122   Published: DEC 10 2015 
Discontinuous phase transition in an open-ended Naming Game 
By: Crokidakis, Nuno; Brigatti, Edgardo
Smoothening in thin-film deposition on rough substrates 
By: de Assis, T. A.; Aarao Reis, F. D. A.
PHYSICAL REVIEW E   Volume: 92   Issue: 5     Article Number: 052405   Published: NOV 24 2015 
The role of Hurst exponent on cold field electron emission from conducting materials: from electric field distribution to Fowler-Nordheim plots 
By: de Assis, T. A.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Volume: 5     Article Number: 10175   Published: JUN 2 2015 
Dynamic scaling and temperature effects in thin film roughening 
By: de Assis, T. A.; Aarao Reis, F. D. A.
Improving the extraction of characteristic field enhancement factors from nonlinear Fowler-Nordheim plots: Call for experimental tests 
By: de Assis, Thiago A.
JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B   Volume: 33   Issue: 5     Article Number: 052201   Published: SEP 2015 
Thermal evolution of hybrid stars within the framework of a nonlocal Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model 
By: de Carvalho, S. M.; Negreiros, R.; Orsaria, M.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 92   Issue: 3     Article Number: 035810   Published: SEP 24 2015 
Domain-size heterogeneity in the Ising model: Geometrical and thermal transitions 
By: de la Rocha, Andre R.; de Oliveira, Paulo Murilo C.; Arenzon, Jeferson J.
PHYSICAL REVIEW E   Volume: 91   Issue: 4     Article Number: 042113   Published: APR 13 2015 
The Temperature Evolution of the Inhomogeneous Magnetic Response of Cuprate Superconductors Above T (c) 
By: de Mello, E. V. L.
JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM   Volume: 28   Issue: 4   Pages: 1245-1248   Published: APR 2015 
Charge order and resistivity transition of Zn-doped cuprate superconductors 
By: de Mello, E. V. L.; Moeckli, David
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER   Volume: 27   Issue: 9     Article Number: 095702   Published: MAR 11 2015 
Reactions of State-Selected Atomic Oxygen Ions O+(S-4, D-2, P-2) with Methane 
By: de Miranda, Barbara Cunha; Romanzin, Claire; Chefdeville, Simon; et al.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A   Volume: 119   Issue: 23   Pages: 6082-6098   Published: JUN 11 2015 
Digital holographic moire-like patterns and an application to Fourier transform profilometry 
By: de Oliveira, G. N.; de Oliveira, M. E.; da Rocha Freire, R. B., Jr.; et al.
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS   Volume: 354   Pages: 84-88   Published: NOV 1 2015 
Branch-cut algorithm for optical phase unwrapping 
By: de Souza, J. C.; Oliveira, M. E.; dos Santos, P. A. M.
OPTICS LETTERS   Volume: 40   Issue: 15   Pages: 3456-3459   Published: AUG 1 2015 
Low-energy Be-9+Pb-208 scattering, breakup, and fusion within a four-body model 
By: Descouvemont, P.; Druet, T.; Canto, L. F.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 91   Issue: 2     Article Number: 024606   Published: FEB 11 2015 
Elastic and inelastic scattering for the B-11+Ni-58 system: Target and projectile reorientation effects 
By: Deshmukh, N. N.; Guimaraes, V.; Crema, E.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 92   Issue: 5     Article Number: 054615   Published: NOV 20 2015 
Reconciling nuclear and astrophysical constraints 
By: Dexheimer, V.; Negreiros, R.; Schramm, S.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 92   Issue: 1     Article Number: 012801   Published: JUL 16 2015 
Role of strangeness in hybrid stars and possible observables 
By: Dexheimer, V.; Negreiros, R.; Schramm, S.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 91   Issue: 5     Article Number: 055808   Published: MAY 21 2015 
Transition from compact to porous films in deposition with temperature-activated diffusion 
By: di Caprio, Dung; Aarao Reis, F. D. A.
PHYSICAL REVIEW E   Volume: 92   Issue: 1     Article Number: 012402   Published: JUL 6 2015 
A heterobimetallic [(Mn5Cu5II)-Cu-II] nanowheel modulated by a flexible bis-oxamate type ligand 
By: do Pim, Walace D.; de Faria, Erica N.; Oliveira, Willian X. C.; et al.
DALTON TRANSACTIONS   Volume: 44   Issue: 24   Pages: 10939-10942   Published: 2015 
Random field Ising model in a random graph 
By: Doria, F. F.; Erichsen, R., Jr.; Dominguez, D.; et al.
PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS   Volume: 422   Pages: 58-65   Published: MAR 15 2015 
Complete and incomplete fusion of Be-9+Tm-169, Re-187 at near-barrier energies 
By: Fang, Y. D.; Gomes, P. R. S.; Lubian, J.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 91   Issue: 1     Article Number: 014608   Published: JAN 14 2015 
Energy distribution of slow fragments, OH+ and O+, in water dissociation by electron impact 
By: Ferreira, Natalia; Sigaud, L.; Montenegro, E. C.
Edited by: Diaz, C; Rabadan, I; Garcia, G; et al.
Conference: 29th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC) Location: Toledo, SPAIN Date: JUL 22-28, 2015 
Sponsor(s): Univ Autonoma Madrid; Consejo Super Investigaciones Cient
XXIX INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONIC, ELECTRONIC, AND ATOMIC COLLISIONS (ICPEAC2015), PTS 1-12   Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series   Volume: 635     Article Number: 072053   Published: 2015 
Vacuum fluctuations in the presence of nonlinear boundary conditions 
By: Fosco, C. D.; Oxman, L. E.
PHYSICAL REVIEW D   Volume: 92   Issue: 12     Article Number: 125021   Published: DEC 21 2015 
Hypercritical accretion phase and neutrino expectation in the evolution of Cassiopeia A 
By: Fraija, N.; Bernal, C. G.
MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY   Volume: 451   Issue: 1   Pages: 455-466   Published: JUL 21 2015 
Report on recent results obtained in TCABR 
By: Galvao, R. M. O.; Amador, C. H. S.; Baquero, W. A. H.; et al.
Edited by: VargasBlanco, I; HerreraVelazquez, JJE
Conference: 15th Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics (LAWPP) / 21st IAEA TM on Research Using Small Fusion Devices (RUSFD) Location: San Jose, COSTA RICA Date: JAN 27-31, 2014 
Sponsor(s): Univ Nacl Costa Rica, Instituto Tecnologico Costa Rica; Ad Astra Rocket Co; Int Atom Energy Agcy
15TH LATIN AMERICAN WORKSHOP ON PLASMA PHYSICS (LAWPP 2014) AND 21ST IAEA TM ON RESEARCH USING SMALL FUSION DEVICES (RUSFD)   Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series   Volume: 591     Article Number: 012001   Published: 2015 
Coulomb and nuclear components of the breakup, their interference and effect on the fusion process 
By: Gomes, P. R. S.; Lubian, J.; Canto, L. F.; et al.
Book Group Author(s): IOP
Conference: 1st NUBA International Conference on Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics Location: Akdeniz Univ, Antalya, TURKEY Date: SEP 14-21, 2014 
NUBA CONFERENCE SERIES -1: NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND ASTROPHYSICS   Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series   Volume: 590     Article Number: 012022   Published: 2015 
Energy dependence of the optical potentials for the Be-9+Pb-208 and Be-9+Bi-209 systems at near-Coulomb-barrier energies 
By: Gomez Camacho, A.; Yu, N.; Zhang, H. Q.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 91   Issue: 4     Article Number: 044610   Published: APR 13 2015 
Effect of Li-6 resonances on near-barrier elastic scattering involving Si-28 and Ni-58 target nuclei 
By: Gomez Camacho, A.; Diaz-Torres, A.; Gomes, P. R. S.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 91   Issue: 1     Article Number: 014607   Published: JAN 14 2015 
An agent-based computational model for tuberculosis spreading on age-structured populations 
By: Graciani Rodrigues, C. C.; Espindola, Aquino L.; Penna, T. J. P.
PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS   Volume: 428   Pages: 52-59   Published: JUN 15 2015 
Quantum phase transition triggering magnetic bound states in the continuum in graphene 
By: Guessi, L. H.; Marques, Y.; Machado, R. S.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 92   Issue: 24     Article Number: 245107   Published: DEC 7 2015 
Dynamical current-induced ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic resonances 
By: Guimaraes, F. S. M.; Lounis, S.; Costa, A. T.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 92   Issue: 22     Article Number: 220410   Published: DEC 14 2015 
Dynamics of the transverse Ising model with next-nearest-neighbor interactions 
By: Guimaraes, P. R. C.; Plascak, J. A.; Bonfim, O. F. de Alcantara; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW E   Volume: 92   Issue: 4     Article Number: 042115   Published: OCT 7 2015 
Coupling effects on the fusion of Li-6+Sm-154 at energies slightly above the Coulomb barrier 
By: Guo, C. L.; Zhang, G. L.; Hu, S. P.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 92   Issue: 1     Article Number: 014615   Published: JUL 14 2015 
Small suppression of the complete fusion of the Li-6+Zr-96 system at near-barrier energies 
By: Hu, S. P.; Zhang, G. L.; Yang, J. C.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 91   Issue: 4     Article Number: 044619   Published: APR 30 2015 
Fully damped Mott oscillations in sub-barrier elastic scattering of identical heavy ions and the nuclear interaction 
By: Hussein, M. S.; Canto, L. F.; Mittig, W.
Book Group Author(s): IOP
Conference: 1st NUBA International Conference on Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics Location: Akdeniz Univ, Antalya, TURKEY Date: SEP 14-21, 2014 
NUBA CONFERENCE SERIES -1: NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND ASTROPHYSICS   Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series   Volume: 590     Article Number: 012009   Published: 2015 
Biogenic fraction in the synthesis of polyethylene terephthalate 
By: Jou, R. M.; Macario, K. D.; Carvalho, C.; et al.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY   Volume: 388   Pages: 65-68   Published: SEP 15 2015 
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen quantum simulations in nonclassical phase-space 
By: Kiesewetter, S.; Dechoum, K.; Opanchuk, B.; et al.
JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS   Volume: 32   Issue: 4   Pages: A64-A73   Published: APR 1 2015 
Development of Lu-177-DOTA-Dendrimer and Determination of Its Effect on Metal and Ion Levels in Tumor Tissue 
By: Kovacs, Luciana; Tassano, Marcos; Cabrera, Mirel; et al.
CANCER BIOTHERAPY AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS   Volume: 30   Issue: 10   Published: DEC 1 2015 
Analysis of proton and neutron pair breakings: High-spin structures of Te124-127 isotopes 
By: Kumar, Vikas; Srivastava, P. C.; Ermamatov, M. J.; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A   Volume: 942   Pages: 1-17   Published: OCT 2015 
Phase diagram of a bidispersed hard-rod lattice gas in two dimensions 
By: Kundu, Joyjit; Stilck, Juergen F.; Rajesh, R.
EPL   Volume: 112   Issue: 6     Article Number: 66002   Published: DEC 2015 
Vibronic structure of the (2)Pi(u) ground electronic state of dicyanoacetylene cation revisited by PFI-ZEKE photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio calculations 
By: Lamarre, Nicolas; Gans, Berenger; Alcaraz, Christian; et al.
Conference: Solvay Workshop on Atomic and Molecular Collision Mechanisms (ACME) Location: Brussels, BELGIUM Date: MAR 30-APR 02, 2015 
MOLECULAR PHYSICS   Volume: 113   Issue: 24   Special Issue: SI   Pages: 3946-3954   Published: DEC 17 2015 
Heptacopper(II) and dicopper(II)-adenine complexes: synthesis, structural characterization, and magnetic properties 
By: Leite Ferreira, B. J. M.; Brandao, Paula; Dos Santos, A. M.; et al.
JOURNAL OF COORDINATION CHEMISTRY   Volume: 68   Issue: 16   Pages: 2770-2787   Published: 2015 
Recent results on reactions with radioactive beams at RIBRAS (Radioactive Ion Beams in Brazil) 
By: Lepine-Szily, A.; Lichtenthaeler, R.; Guimaraes, V.; et al.
Book Group Author(s): IOP
Conference: 1st NUBA International Conference on Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics Location: Akdeniz Univ, Antalya, TURKEY Date: SEP 14-21, 2014 
NUBA CONFERENCE SERIES -1: NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND ASTROPHYSICS   Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series   Volume: 590     Article Number: 012012   Published: 2015 
Note: Cold spectra of the electronic transition A(2)Sigma(+)-X-2 Pi of N2O+ radical: High resolution analysis of the bands 000-100, 100-100, and 001-101 
By: Lessa, L. L.; Martins, A. S.; Fellows, C. E.
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS   Volume: 143   Issue: 16     Article Number: 166101   Published: OCT 28 2015 
Marine reservoir effect on the Southeastern coast of Brazil: results from the Tarioba shellmound paired samples 
By: Macario, K. D.; Souza, R. C. C. L.; Aguilera, O. A.; et al.
JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY   Volume: 143   Pages: 14-19   Published: MAY 2015 
Advances in the graphitization protocol at the Radiocarbon Laboratory of the Universidade Federal Fluminense (LAC-UFF) in Brazil 
By: Macario, Kita D.; Oliveira, Fabiana M.; Carvalho, Carla; et al.
Conference: 13th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) Location: Aix en Provence, FRANCE Date: AUG 24-29, 2014 
Synthesis, characterization and activity of homogeneous and heterogeneous (SiO2, NaY, MCM-41) iron(III) catalysts on cyclohexane and cyclohexene oxidation 
By: Machado, Paula M. A.; Lube, Leonardo M.; Tiradentes, Marcione D. E.; et al.
APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL   Volume: 507   Pages: 119-129   Published: OCT 25 2015 
Photon conversion in lanthanide-doped powder phosphors: concepts and applications 
By: Maciel, Glauco S.; Rakov, Nikifor
RSC ADVANCES   Volume: 5   Issue: 22   Pages: 17283-17295   Published: 2015 
Synthesis and characterization of montmorillonite clay intercalated with molecular magnetic compounds 
By: Martins, Marcel G.; Martins, Daniel O. T. A.; de Carvalho, Beatriz L. C.; et al.
JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY   Volume: 228   Pages: 99-104   Published: AUG 2015 
Nonmagnetic ions enhance magnetic order in the ludwigite Co5Sn(O2BO3)(2) 
By: Medrano, Cynthia P. Contreras; Freitas, D. C.; Sanchez, D. R.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 91   Issue: 5     Article Number: 054402   Published: FEB 4 2015  
Periodic arrays of intercalated atoms in twisted bilayer graphene: An ab initio investigation 
By: Miwa, R. H.; Venezuela, P.; Suarez Morell, Eric
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 92   Issue: 11     Article Number: 115419   Published: SEP 11 2015 
Effective three-band structure in Fe-based superconductors 
By: Moeckli, David; De Mello, E. V. L.
EPL   Volume: 109   Issue: 1     Article Number: 17011   Published: JAN 2015 
Some Dynamical Features of Molecular Fragmentation by Electrons and Swift Ions 
By: Montenegro, E. C.; Sigaud, L.; Wolff, W.; et al.
Edited by: Doyle, BL; Glass, GA; McDaniel, FD; et al.
Conference: 23rd International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI) Location: San Antonio, TX Date: MAY 25-30, 2014 
23rd International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry - CAARI 2014   Book Series: Physics Procedia   Volume: 66   Pages: 39-45   Published: 2015 
Trace-distance correlations for X states and the emergence of the pointer basis in Markovian and non-Markovian regimes 
By: Obando, Paola C.; Paula, Fagner M.; Sarandy, Marcelo S.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A   Volume: 92   Issue: 3     Article Number: 032307   Published: SEP 8 2015 
Radiocarbon analysis of the Torah scrolls from the National Museum of Brazil collection 
By: Oliveira, Fabiana M.; Araujo, Carlos A. R.; Macario, Kita D.; et al.
Conference: 13th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) Location: Aix en Provence, FRANCE Date: AUG 24-29, 2014 
Transfer-matrix study of a hard-square lattice gas with two kinds of particles and density anomaly 
By: Oliveira, Tiago J.; Stilck, Juergen F.
PHYSICAL REVIEW E   Volume: 92   Issue: 3     Article Number: 032101   Published: SEP 1 2015 
Palladium(II)-Copper(II) Assembling with Bis(2-pyridylcarbonyl)amidate and Bis(oxamate) Type Ligands 
By: Oliveira, Willian X. C.; Ribeiro, Marcos A.; Pinheiro, Carlos B.; et al.
CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN   Volume: 15   Issue: 3   Pages: 1325-1335   Published: MAR 2015 
Theoretical study of the elastic breakup of weakly bound nuclei at near-barrier energies 
By: Otomar, D. R.; Gomes, P. R. S.; Lubian, J.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 92   Issue: 6     Article Number: 064609   Published: DEC 22 2015 
Detecting topological sectors in continuum Yang-Mills theory and the fate of BRST symmetry 
By: Oxman, L. E.; Santos-Rosa, G. C.
PHYSICAL REVIEW D   Volume: 92   Issue: 12     Article Number: 125025   Published: DEC 23 2015 
BPS Center Vortices in Nonrelativistic SU(N) Gauge Models with Adjoint Higgs Fields 
By: Oxman, L. E.
ADVANCES IN HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS     Article Number: 494931   Published: 2015 
Influence of Deleterious Phases Precipitation in the Corrosion Resistance Measured by Double Loop Electrochemical Polarization Reactivation Test in Superduplex Stainless Steel 
By: Pardal, Juan Manuel; Maior Tavares, Sergio Souto; de Souza, Guttemberg Chagas; et al.
MATERIALS RESEARCH-IBERO-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS   Volume: 18   Issue: 4   Pages: 740-747   Published: JUL-AUG 2015 
1n-transfer reaction using Li-6 with heavy mass target 
By: Patel, D.; Surayanarayana, S. V.; Mukherjee, S.; et al.
Edited by: Simenel, C; Gomes, PRS; Hinde, DJ; et al.
Conference: 6th International Conference on FUSION Location: New Delhi, INDIA Date: FEB 24-28, 2014 
VI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FUSION14   Book Series: EPJ Web of Conferences   Volume: 86     Article Number: 00032   Published: 2015 
Effects of Ga substitution on the structural and magnetic properties of half metallic Fe2MnSi Heusler compound 
By: Pedro, S. S.; Caraballo Vivas, R. J.; Andrade, V. M.; et al.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS   Volume: 117   Issue: 1     Article Number: 013902   Published: JAN 7 2015 
By: Pius, Einar; Kashefi, Elham; Da Silva, Raphael Dias
QUANTUM INFORMATION & COMPUTATION   Volume: 15   Issue: 9-10   Pages: 853-884   Published: JUL 2015 
Formation probabilities in quantum critical chains and Casimir effect 
By: Rajabpour, M. A.
EPL   Volume: 112   Issue: 6     Article Number: 66001   Published: DEC 2015 
Post-measurement bipartite entanglement entropy in conformal field theories 
By: Rajabpour, M. A.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 92   Issue: 7     Article Number: 075108   Published: AUG 5 2015 
Quantum quench in long-range field theories 
By: Rajabpour, M. A.; Sotiriadis, S.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 91   Issue: 4     Article Number: 045131   Published: JAN 21 2015 
Yb3+ sensitized Er3+ doped Gd2SiO5 powders prepared by combustion synthesis: Up-conversion fluorescence emission at visible from near-infrared 
By: Rakov, Nikifor; Terto, Andre R.; Maciel, Glauco S.
CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL   Volume: 41   Issue: 10   Pages: 13348-13353   Part: A   Published: DEC 2015 
Facile fabrication of Eu3+-doped lanthanum oxyfluoride powders by combustion processes and temperature analysis of its fluorescence for thermal sensor application 
By: Rakov, Nikifor; Vieira, Simone A.; Silva, Queli P. S.; et al.
SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL   Volume: 209   Pages: 407-412   Published: MAR 31 2015 
Investigation of Eu3+ luminescence enhancement in LaOF powders codoped with Tb3+ and prepared by combustion synthesis 
By: Rakov, Nikifor; Vieira, Simone A.; Guimaraes, Renato B.; et al.
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS   Volume: 618   Pages: 127-131   Published: JAN 5 2015 
Scaling of local roughness distributions 
By: Reis, F. D. A. Aarao
Kinetic roughening and porosity scaling in film growth with subsurface lateral aggregation 
By: Reis, F. D. A. Aarao
PHYSICAL REVIEW E   Volume: 91   Issue: 6     Article Number: 062401   Published: JUN 9 2015 
Magnetocaloric cycle with six stages: Possible application of graphene at low temperature 
By: Reis, M. S.
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS   Volume: 107   Issue: 10     Article Number: 102401   Published: SEP 7 2015 
A tight-binding model for MoS2 monolayers 
By: Ridolfi, E.; Le, D.; Rahman, T. S.; et al.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER   Volume: 27   Issue: 36     Article Number: 365501   Published: SEP 16 2015 
Effective g-factor tensor for carriers in IV-VI semiconductor quantum wells 
By: Ridolfi, E.; de Andrada e Silva, E. A.; La Rocca, G. C.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 91   Issue: 8     Article Number: 085313   Published: FEB 27 2015 
A minimal model for "Hidden Order" in URu2Si2 
By: Riseborough, Peter S.; Magalhaes, S. G.; Calegari, E. J.
Conference: 16th National Conference on Superconductivity and Strongly Correlated Systems Location: Zakopane, POLAND Date: OCT 07-12, 2013 
Sponsor(s): Jagiellonian Univ, Marian Smoluchowski Inst Phys; AGH Univ Sci & Technology, Fac Phys & Appl Comp Sci; Fdn Polish Sci
PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE   Volume: 95   Issue: 5-6   Pages: 516-524   Published: FEB 11 2015 
Superadiabatic Controlled Evolutions and Universal Quantum Computation 
By: Santos, Alan C.; Sarandy, Marcelo S.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Volume: 5     Article Number: 15775   Published: OCT 29 2015 
Nuclear Matter Bulk Parameter Scales and Correlations 
By: Santos, B. M.; Dutra, M.; Lourenco, O.; et al.
FEW-BODY SYSTEMS   Volume: 56   Issue: 11-12   Special Issue: SI   Pages: 779-785   Published: DEC 2015 
Correlations between bulk parameters in relativistic and nonrelativistic hadronic mean-field models 
By: Santos, B. M.; Dutra, M.; Lourenco, O.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 92   Issue: 1     Article Number: 015210   Published: JUL 20 2015 
Correlations between the nuclear matter symmetry energy, its slope, and curvature. 
By: Santos, B. M.; Dutra, M.; Lourenco, O.; et al.
Book Group Author(s): IOP
Conference: 37th Brazilian Meeting on Nuclear Physics (XXXVII RTFNB) Location: Sao Paulo, BRAZIL Date: SEP 08-12, 2014 
XXXVII BRAZILIAN MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS   Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series   Volume: 630     Article Number: 012033   Published: 2015 
Guanidine-functionalized Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles as basic recyclable catalysts for biodiesel production 
By: Santos, Evelyn C. S.; dos Santos, Thiago C.; Guimaraes, Renato B.; et al.
RSC ADVANCES   Volume: 5   Issue: 59   Pages: 48031-48038   Published: 2015 
Annual growth rings in a sample of Parana pine (Araucaria angustifolia): Toward improving the C-14 calibration curve for the Southern Hemisphere 
By: Santos, Guaciara M.; Linares, Roberto; Lisi, Claudio S.; et al.
QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY   Volume: 25   Pages: 96-103   Published: FEB 2015 
Renormalizability of Yang-Mills theory with Lorentz violation and gluon mass generation 
By: Santos, T. R. S.; Sobreiro, R. F.
PHYSICAL REVIEW D   Volume: 91   Issue: 2     Article Number: 025008   Published: JAN 12 2015 
Quantum systems with position-dependent mass and spin-orbit interaction via Rashba and Dresselhaus terms 
By: Schmidt, Alexandre G. M.; Portugal, L.; de Jesus, Anderson L.
JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS   Volume: 56   Issue: 1     Article Number: 012107   Published: JAN 2015 
Spin glass induced by infinitesimal disorder in geometrically frustrated kagome lattice 
By: Schmidt, M.; Zimmer, F. M.; Magalhaes, S. G.
PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS   Volume: 438   Pages: 416-423   Published: NOV 15 2015 
Weak randomness in geometrically frustrated systems: spin-glasses 
By: Schmidt, M.; Zimmer, F. M.; Magalhaes, S. G.
PHYSICA SCRIPTA   Volume: 90   Issue: 2     Article Number: 025809   Published: FEB 2015 
Local sublattice symmetry breaking for graphene with a centrosymmetric deformation 
By: Schneider, M.; Faria, D.; Kusminskiy, S. Viola; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 91   Issue: 16     Article Number: 161407   Published: APR 15 2015 
MoS2 on an amorphous HfO2 surface: An ab initio investigation 
By: Scopel, W. L.; Miwa, R. H.; Schmidt, T. M.; et al.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS   Volume: 117   Issue: 19     Article Number: 194303   Published: MAY 21 2015 
Cross sections for the CH2+ formation pathways via CH4 fragmentation by electron impact 
By: Sigaud, L.; Montenegro, E. C.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS   Volume: 48   Issue: 11     Article Number: 115207   Published: JUN 14 2015 
Cross sections for the CH2+ formation pathways via CH4 fragmentation by electron impact 
By: Sigaud, L.; Montenegro, E. C.
Edited by: Diaz, C; Rabadan, I; Garcia, G; et al.
Conference: 29th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC) Location: Toledo, SPAIN Date: JUL 22-28, 2015 
Sponsor(s): Univ Autonoma Madrid; Consejo Super Investigaciones Cient
XXIX INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONIC, ELECTRONIC, AND ATOMIC COLLISIONS (ICPEAC2015), PTS 1-12   Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series   Volume: 635     Article Number: 072014   Published: 2015 
Predominance of single vacancy production in the formation of Oxygen dication 
By: Sigaud, L.; Ferreira, Natalia; Montenegro, E. C.
Edited by: Diaz, C; Rabadan, I; Garcia, G; et al.
Conference: 29th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC) Location: Toledo, SPAIN Date: JUL 22-28, 2015 
Sponsor(s): Univ Autonoma Madrid; Consejo Super Investigaciones Cient
XXIX INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONIC, ELECTRONIC, AND ATOMIC COLLISIONS (ICPEAC2015), PTS 1-12   Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series   Volume: 635     Article Number: 072015   Published: 2015 
The beta-expansion of the D=1 fermionic spinless Hubbard model off the half-filling regime 
By: Silva, E. V. Correa; Thomaz, M. T.; Rojas, O.
CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS   Volume: 18   Issue: 3     Article Number: 33003   Published: 2015 
Fano effect and Andreev bound states in a hybrid superconductor-ferromagnetic nanostructure 
By: Siqueira, E. C.; Orellana, P. A.; Cestari, R. C.; et al.
PHYSICS LETTERS A   Volume: 379   Issue: 39   Pages: 2524-2529   Published: OCT 16 2015 
Tsallis threshold analysis of digital speckle patterns generated by rough surfaces 
By: Soares, H. C.; Meireles, J. B.; Castro Junior, A. O.; et al.
PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS   Volume: 432   Pages: 1-8   Published: AUG 15 2015 
Polydispersed rods on the square lattice 
By: Stilck, Juergen F.; Rajesh, R.
PHYSICAL REVIEW E   Volume: 91   Issue: 1     Article Number: 012106   Published: JAN 6 2015 
By: Tsui, K. H.
ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL   Volume: 805   Issue: 2     Article Number: 106   Published: JUN 1 2015 
Ionization and fragmentation of pyrimidine and pyridazine induced by proton and electron impact 
By: Wolff, W.; Luna, H.; Sigaud, L.; et al.
Edited by: Diaz, C; Rabadan, I; Garcia, G; et al.
Conference: 29th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC) Location: Toledo, SPAIN Date: JUL 22-28, 2015 
Sponsor(s): Univ Autonoma Madrid; Consejo Super Investigaciones Cient
XXIX INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOTONIC, ELECTRONIC, AND ATOMIC COLLISIONS (ICPEAC2015), PTS 1-12   Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series   Volume: 635     Article Number: 032039   Published: 2015 


Last Updated on Friday, 07 April 2017 16:01