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Scaling relations in the diffusive infiltration in fractals 
By: Aarao Reis, F. D. A.
PHYSICAL REVIEW E   Volume: 94   Issue: 5     Article Number: 052124   Published: NOV 16 2016 
Fish bone diagenesis in southeastern Brazilian shell mounds and its importance for paleoenvironmental studies 
By: Aguilera, O.; Belem, A. L.; Angelica, R.; et al.
QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL   Volume: 391   Pages: 18-25   Published: JAN 11 2016 
Kinetic Energy Release of the Singly and Doubly Charged Methylene Chloride Molecule: The Role of Fast Dissociation 
By: Alcantara, K. F.; Rocha, A. B.; Gomes, A. H. A.; et al.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A   Volume: 120   Issue: 34   Pages: 6728-6737   Published: SEP 1 2016 
On the quantum magnetic oscillations of electrical and thermal conductivities of graphene 
By: Alisultanov, Z. Z.; Reis, M. S.
SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS   Volume: 234   Pages: 26-30   Published: MAY 2016 
Magneto-oscillations on specific heat of graphene monolayer 
By: Alisultanov, Z. Z.; Reis, M. S.
PHYSICS LETTERS A   Volume: 380   Issue: 3   Pages: 470-474   Published: JAN 28 2016 
Quantum capacitance oscillations in graphene under crossed magnetic and electric fields 
By: Alisultanov, Z. Z.; Reis, M. S.
EPL   Volume: 113   Issue: 2     Article Number: 28004   Published: JAN 2016 
Radiocarbon reservoir corrections on the Brazilian coast from prebomb marine shells (vol 29, pg 30, 2015) 
By: Alves, Eduardo; Macario, Kita; Souza, Rosa; et al.
QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY   Volume: 31   Pages: 1-2   Published: FEB 2016 
Boosting DNA Recognition Sensitivity of Graphene Nanogaps through Nitrogen Edge Functionalization 
By: Amorim, Rodrigo G.; Rocha, Alexandre R.; Scheicher, Ralph H.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C   Volume: 120   Issue: 34   Pages: 19384-19388   Published: SEP 1 2016 
Green's function approach for quantum graphs: An overview 
By: Andrade, Fabiano M.; Schmidt, A. G. M.; Vicentini, E.; et al.
PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS   Volume: 647   Pages: 1-46   Published: AUG 15 2016 
Magnetocaloric functional properties of Sm0.6Sr0.4MnO3 manganite due to advanced nanostructured morphology 
By: Andrade, V. M.; Pedro, S. S.; Caraballo Vivas, R. J.; et al.
MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS   Volume: 172   Pages: 20-25   Published: APR 1 2016 
Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of La0.6Ca0.4MnO3 tunable by particle size and dimensionality 
By: Andrade, V. M.; Vivas, R. J. Caraballo; Pedro, S. S.; et al.
ACTA MATERIALIA   Volume: 102   Pages: 49-55   Published: JAN 1 2016 
Signals at ground level of relativistic solar particles associated with a radiation storm on 2014 April 18 
By: Augusto, Carlos; Navia, Carlos; de Oliveira, Marcel N.; et al.
PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN   Volume: 68   Issue: 1     Article Number: 8   Published: FEB 2016 
Tripartite nonseparability in classical optics 
By: Balthazar, W. F.; Souza, C. E. R.; Caetano, D. P.; et al.
OPTICS LETTERS   Volume: 41   Issue: 24   Pages: 5797-5800   Published: DEC 15 2016 
Conditional operation using three degrees of freedom of a laser beam for application in quantum information 
By: Balthazar, W. F.; Huguenin, J. A. O.
JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS   Volume: 33   Issue: 8   Pages: 1649-1654   Published: AUG 1 2016 
Nonlinear dynamics from the relativistic Boltzmann equation in the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker spacetime 
By: Bazow, D.; Denicol, G. S.; Heinz, U.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW D   Volume: 94   Issue: 12     Article Number: 125006   Published: DEC 8 2016 
Band structure and topological properties of graphene in a superlattice spin exchange field 
By: Brey, Luis; Carvalho, A. R.; Fertig, H. A.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 94   Issue: 8     Article Number: 085407   Published: AUG 8 2016 
Detecting and modelling delayed density-dependence in abundance time series of a small mammal (Didelphis aurita) 
By: Brigatti, E.; Vieira, M. V.; Kajin, M.; et al.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS   Volume: 6     Article Number: 19553   Published: FEB 11 2016 
Interplay of the elastic and inelastic channels in the O-16+Al-27 scattering at E-lab=280 MeV 
By: Cappuzzello, F.; Nicolosi, D.; Linares, R.; et al.
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A   Volume: 52   Issue: 6     Article Number: 169   Published: JUN 24 2016 
Local and BRST-invariant Yang-Mills theory within the Gribov horizon 
By: Capri, M. A. L.; Dudal, D.; Fiorentini, D.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW D   Volume: 94   Issue: 2     Article Number: 025035   Published: JUL 27 2016 
More on the nonperturbative Gribov-Zwanziger quantization of linear covariant gauges 
By: Capri, M. A. L.; Fiorentini, D.; Guimaraes, M. S.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW D   Volume: 93   Issue: 6     Article Number: 065019   Published: MAR 7 2016 
Extracting the cross section angular distributions for C-15 high-energy resonance excited via the (O-18,O-16) two-neutron transfer reaction 
By: Carbone, D.; Agodi, C.; Cappuzzello, F.; et al.
Edited by: Greco, V; LaCognata, M; Pirrone, S; et al.
Conference: 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions Location: Catania, ITALY Date: JUN 21-26, 2015-2016 
Sponsor(s): Univ Catania, Dept Phys & Astron; INFN Lab Nazionali Sud & Sezione Catania; Int Union Pure & Appl Phys
12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEUS-NUCLEUS COLLISIONS 2015   Book Series: EPJ Web of Conferences   Volume: 117     Article Number: 04004   Published: 2016 
Strained fold-assisted transport in graphene systems 
By: Carrillo-Bastos, R.; Leon, C.; Faria, D.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 94   Issue: 12     Article Number: 125422   Published: SEP 15 2016 
Thermal entanglement and teleportation in a dipolar interacting system 
By: Castro, C. S.; Duarte, O. S.; Pires, D. P.; et al.
PHYSICS LETTERS A   Volume: 380   Issue: 18-19   Pages: 1571-1576   Published: APR 22 2016 
Coupling fallout Pb-210 and stables isotopes (delta C-13, delta N-15) for catchment urbanization reconstruction in southeastern coastal zone of Brazil 
By: Cerda, Mauricio; Scali, Camila; Valdes, Jorge; et al.
JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY   Volume: 310   Issue: 3   Pages: 1021-1032   Published: DEC 2016 
Elastic scattering and breakup of Be-11 on deuterons at 26.9A MeV 
By: Chen, J.; Lou, J. L.; Ye, Y. L.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 94   Issue: 6     Article Number: 064620   Published: DEC 30 2016 
Elastic scattering and breakup of Be-11 on protons at 26.9A MeV 
By: Chen, J.; Lou, J. L.; Ye, Y. L.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 93   Issue: 3     Article Number: 034623   Published: MAR 30 2016 
Cooling of neutron stars and emissivity of neutrinos by the direct Urca process under influence of a strong magnetic field 
By: Coelho, E. L.; Chiapparini, M.; Negreiros, R. P.
Book Group Author(s): IOP
Conference: 13th International Workshop on Hadron Physics Location: Angra dos Reis, BRAZIL Date: MAR 22-27, 2015 
Sponsor(s): Coordenacao Aperfeicoamento Pessoal Nivel Super; Conselho Nacl Desenvolvimento Cientifico Tecnologico; Fundacao Amparo Pesquisa Estado Rio de Janeiro; Fundacao Amparo Pesquisa Estado Sao Paulo; Int Union Pure & Appl Phys
XIII INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON HADRON PHYSICS, SECTIONS 1-5   Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series   Volume: 706     Article Number: UNSP 052011   Published: 2016 
Using a double folding potential for the derivation of the spectroscopic factors of the (3He, d) transfer reaction 
By: Condori, R. Pampa; Dias, H.; Lubian, J.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS E-NUCLEAR PHYSICS   Volume: 25   Issue: 9     Article Number: 1650061   Published: SEP 2016 
Comparison of the exact thermodynamics of the AF Blume-Emery-Grifiths and of the spin-1 ferromagnetic Ising models 
By: Correa Silva, E. V.; Thomaz, M. T.
JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS   Volume: 417   Pages: 365-375   Published: NOV 1 2016 
Scaling of the local quantum uncertainty at quantum phase transitions 
By: Coulamy, I. B.; Warnes, J. H.; Sarandy, M. S.; et al.
PHYSICS LETTERS A   Volume: 380   Issue: 20   Pages: 1724-1728   Published: APR 29 2016 
Noise and disorder: Phase transitions and universality in a model of opinion formation 
By: Crokidakis, Nuno
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS C   Volume: 27   Issue: 6     Article Number: 1650060   Published: JUN 2016 
Carboxylate-based molecular magnet: One path toward achieving stable quantum correlations at room temperature 
By: Cruz, C.; Soares-Pinto, D. O.; Brandao, P.; et al.
EPL   Volume: 113   Issue: 4     Article Number: 40004   Published: FEB 2016 
Alkaline Ion-Modulated Solid-State Supramolecular Organization in Mixed Organic/Metallorganic Compounds Based on 1,1 '-Ethylenebis(4-aminopyridinium) Cations and Bis(oxamate)cuprate(II) Anions 
By: da Cunha, Tamyris T.; Oliveira, Willian X. C.; Pinheiro, Carlos B.; et al.
CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN   Volume: 16   Issue: 2   Pages: 900-907   Published: FEB 2016 
Spin-orbit laser mode transfer via a classical analogue of quantum teleportation 
By: da Silva, B. Pinheiro; Leal, M. Astigarreta; Souza, C. E. R.; et al.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS   Volume: 49   Issue: 5     Article Number: 055501   Published: MAR 14 2016 
Photorefractive moire-like patterns for the multifringe projection method in Fourier transform profilometry 
By: de Oliveira, M. E.; de Oliveira, G. N.; de Souza, J. C.; et al.
APPLIED OPTICS   Volume: 55   Issue: 5   Pages: 1048-1053   Published: FEB 10 2016 
Paleobiogeoclimatic scenarios of the Late Quaternary inferred from fluvial deposits of the Quadrilatero Ferrifero (Southeastern Brazil) 
By: de Paula Barros, Luiz Fernando; Gomes Coe, Heloisa Helena; Seixas, Amanda Pacheco; et al.
JOURNAL OF SOUTH AMERICAN EARTH SCIENCES   Volume: 67   Pages: 71-88   Published: APR 2016 
Critical fluctuations in an optical parametric oscillator: when light behaves like magnetism 
By: Dechoum, Kaled; Rosales-Zarate, Laura; Drummond, Peter D.
JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS   Volume: 33   Issue: 5   Pages: 871-883   Published: MAY 1 2016 
Band Gap Opening in Dual-Doped Monolayer Graphene 
By: Denis, Pablo A.; Huelmo, C. Pereyra; Martins, A. S.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C   Volume: 120   Issue: 13   Pages: 7103-7112   Published: APR 7 2016 
Unveiling Majorana quasiparticles by a quantum phase transition: Proposal of a current switch 
By: Dessotti, F. A.; Ricco, L. S.; Marques, Y.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 94   Issue: 12     Article Number: 125426   Published: SEP 16 2016 
Fano fingerprints of Majoranas in Kitaev dimers of superconducting adatoms 
By: Dessotti, F. A.; Ricco, L. S.; Marques, Y.; et al.
PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES   Volume: 83   Pages: 297-305   Published: SEP 2016 
Predicting reaction observables from back-scattering measurements in low-energy heavy-ion collisions 
By: Diaz-Torres, A.; Sargsyan, V. V.; Adamian, G. G.; et al.
Edited by: Andreev, A; Arsenyev, N; Ershov, S; et al.
Conference: 7th International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Related Topics (NSRT) Location: Joint Inst Nucl Res, Bogoliubov Lab Theoret Phys, Dubna, RUSSIA Date: JUL 14-18, 2015 
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR STRUCTURE AND RELATED TOPICS (NSRT15)   Book Series: EPJ Web of Conferences   Volume: 107     Article Number: 08002   Published: 2016 
Microscopic origin of subthermal magnons and the spin Seebeck effect 
By: Diniz, I.; Costa, A. T.
NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS   Volume: 18     Article Number: 052002   Published: MAY 12 2016 
Current controlled negative differential resistance behavior in Co2FeO2BO3 and Fe3O2BO3 single crystals 
By: dos Santos, E. C.; Freitas, D. C.; Fier, I.; et al.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS   Volume: 90   Pages: 65-68   Published: MAR 2016 
Impurity invisibility in graphene: Symmetry guidelines for the design of efficient sensors 
By: Duffy, John; Lawlor, James; Lewenkopf, Caio; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 94   Issue: 4     Article Number: 045417   Published: JUL 12 2016 
Two-neutron transfer analysis of the O-16(O-18, O-16)O-18 reaction 
By: Ermamatov, M. J.; Cappuzzello, F.; Lubian, J.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 94   Issue: 2     Article Number: 024610   Published: AUG 12 2016 
Microscopically derived potential energy surfaces from mostly structural considerations 
By: Ermamatov, M. J.; Hess, Peter O.
ANNALS OF PHYSICS   Volume: 371   Pages: 125-158   Published: AUG 2016 
One-neutron stripping from Be-9 to Tm-169, Ta-181, and Re-187 at near-barrier energies 
By: Fang, Y. D.; Gomes, P. R. S.; Lubian, J.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 93   Issue: 3     Article Number: 034615   Published: MAR 17 2016 
Diploid male dynamics under different numbers of sexual alleles and male dispersal abilities 
By: Faria, Luiz R. R.; Soares, Elaine Della Giustina; do Carmo, Eduardo; et al.
THEORY IN BIOSCIENCES   Volume: 135   Issue: 3   Special Issue: SI   Pages: 111-119   Part: 1   Published: SEP 2016 
Magnetism and charge order in the ladder compound Co3O2BO3 
By: Freitas, D. C.; Medrano, C. P. C.; Sanchez, D. R.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 94   Issue: 17     Article Number: 174409   Published: NOV 4 2016 
Reactions with Weakly Bound Nuclei, at near Barrier Energies, and the Breakup and Transfer Influences on the Fusion and Elastic Scattering 
By: Gomes, P. R. S.; Lubian, J.; Canto, L. F.; et al.
FEW-BODY SYSTEMS   Volume: 57   Issue: 3   Pages: 165-176   Published: MAR 2016 
Reduction Methods for Total Reaction Cross Sections 
By: Gomes, P. R. S.; Mendes Junior, D. R.; Canto, L. F.; et al.
FEW-BODY SYSTEMS   Volume: 57   Issue: 3   Pages: 205-216   Published: MAR 2016 
Backscattering measurement of He-6 on Bi-209: Critical interaction distance 
By: Guimaraes, V.; Kolata, J. J.; Aguilera, E. F.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 93   Issue: 6     Article Number: 064607   Published: JUN 14 2016 
Negligible suppression of the complete fusion of Li-6,Li-7 on light targets, at energies above the barrier 
By: Guo, M. F.; Zhang, G. L.; Gomes, P. R. S.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 94   Issue: 4     Article Number: 044605   Published: OCT 11 2016 
Energetic stability, STM fingerprints and electronic transport properties of defects in graphene and silicene 
By: Haldar, Soumyajyoti; Amorim, Rodrigo G.; Sanyal, Biplab; et al.
RSC ADVANCES   Volume: 6   Issue: 8   Pages: 6702-6708   Published: 2016 
Random sequential adsorption of polydisperse mixtures on lattices 
By: Hart, R. C.; Aarao Reis, F. D. A.
PHYSICAL REVIEW E   Volume: 94   Issue: 2     Article Number: 022802   Published: AUG 1 2016 
Driver Hamiltonians for constrained optimization in quantum annealing 
By: Hen, Itay; Sarandy, Marcelo S.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A   Volume: 93   Issue: 6     Article Number: 062312   Published: JUN 13 2016 
One-neutron stripping processes to excited states of the Li-6+Zr-96 reaction at near-barrier energies 
By: Hu, S. P.; Zhang, G. L.; Yang, J. C.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 93   Issue: 1     Article Number: 014621   Published: JAN 29 2016 
Disappearance of Mott Oscillations in Sub-barrier Elastic Scattering of Identical Nuclei and Atomic Ions 
By: Hussein, M. S.; Canto, L. F.; Donangelo, R.; et al.
FEW-BODY SYSTEMS   Volume: 57   Issue: 3   Pages: 195-203   Published: MAR 2016 
A consistent four-body CDCC model of low-energy reactions: Application to Be-9+Pb-208 
By: Hussein, M. S.; Descouvemont, P.; Canto, L. F.
Edited by: Greco, V; LaCognata, M; Pirrone, S; et al.
Conference: 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions Location: Catania, ITALY Date: JUN 21-26, 2015-2016 
Sponsor(s): Univ Catania, Dept Phys & Astron; INFN Lab Nazionali Sud & Sezione Catania; Int Union Pure & Appl Phys
12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEUS-NUCLEUS COLLISIONS 2015   Book Series: EPJ Web of Conferences   Volume: 117     Article Number: 06005   Published: 2016 
Eigenstate tracking in open quantum systems 
By: Jing, Jun; Sarandy, Marcelo S.; Lidar, Daniel A.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A   Volume: 94   Issue: 4     Article Number: 042131   Published: OCT 28 2016 
The influence of Gaussian strain on sublattice selectivity of impurities in graphene 
By: Lawlor, James A.; Rocha, Claudia G.; Torres, Vanessa; et al.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER   Volume: 28   Issue: 23     Article Number: 235001   Published: JUN 15 2016 
A 50/50 electronic beam splitter in graphene nanoribbons as a building block for electron optics 
By: Lima, Leandro R. F.; Hernandez, Alexis R.; Pinheiro, Felipe A.; et al.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER   Volume: 28   Issue: 50     Article Number: 505303   Published: DEC 21 2016 
Disorder-assisted transmission due to charge puddles in monolayer graphene: Transmission enhancement and local currents 
By: Lima, Leandro R. F.; Lewenkopf, Caio H.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 93   Issue: 4     Article Number: 045404   Published: JAN 6 2016 
Effect of interface roughness on superconducting transition temperatures of Nb/Co multilayers 
By: Liu, L. Y.; Chacon Hernandez, U. D.; Xing, Y. T.; et al.
JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS   Volume: 401   Pages: 242-247   Published: MAR 1 2016 
The Path towards Endangered Species: Prehistoric Fisheries in Southeastern Brazil 
By: Lopes, Mariana Samor; Pereira Bertucci, Thayse Cristina; Rapagna, Luciano; et al.
PLOS ONE   Volume: 11   Issue: 6     Article Number: e0154476   Published: JUN 29 2016 
Correlations between critical parameters and bulk properties of nuclear matter 
By: Lourenco, O.; Santos, B. M.; Dutra, M.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 94   Issue: 4     Article Number: 045207   Published: OCT 19 2016 
Graphitization reaction via zinc reduction: How low can you go? 
By: Macario, Kita D.; Alves, Eduardo Q.; Oliveira, Fabiana M.; et al.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY   Volume: 410   Pages: 47-51   Published: NOV 20 2016 
Transformation of LaOF into LaF3 owing to Al3+ in luminescent Eu3+-doped crystalline powders 
By: Maciel, Glauco S.; Tanner, Peter A.; Guimaraes, Renato B.; et al.
CRYSTENGCOMM   Volume: 18   Issue: 31   Pages: 5885-5889   Published: 2016 
Orthogonal and Non-Orthogonal Tight Binding Parameters for III-V Semiconductors Nitrides 
By: Martins, A. S.; Fellows, C. E.
BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS   Volume: 46   Issue: 6   Pages: 621-627   Published: DEC 2016 
Experimental observation of fractional topological phases with photonic qudits 
By: Matoso, A. A.; Sanchez-Lozano, X.; Pimenta, W. M.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A   Volume: 94   Issue: 5     Article Number: 052305   Published: NOV 4 2016 
Photon and electron Landau damping in quantum plasmas 
By: Mendonca, J. T.; Serbeto, A.
PHYSICA SCRIPTA   Volume: 91   Issue: 9     Article Number: 095601   Published: SEP 2016 
Tonks-Dattner resonances in a quantum plasma bubble 
By: Mendonca, J. T.; Serbeto, A.
PHYSICAL REVIEW E   Volume: 94   Issue: 2     Article Number: 023202   Published: AUG 4 2016 
Comment on "Nature of Long-Range Order in Stripe-Forming Systems with Long-Range Repulsive Interactions" Reply 
By: Mendoza-Coto, Alejandro; Stariolo, Daniel A.; Nicolao, Lucas
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   Volume: 117   Issue: 23     Article Number: 239602   Published: NOV 30 2016 
Modulated systems in external fields: Conditions for the presence of reentrant phase diagrams 
By: Mendoza-Coto, Alejandro; Billoni, Orlando V.; Cannas, Sergio A.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 94   Issue: 5     Article Number: 054404   Published: AUG 1 2016 
Lifetime and mean free path of spin waves in ultrathin cobalt films 
By: Michel, E.; Ibach, H.; Schneider, C. M.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 94   Issue: 1     Article Number: 014420   Published: JUL 18 2016 
Strain-displacement relations for strain engineering in single-layer 2d materials 
By: Midtvedt, Daniel; Lewenkopf, Caio H.; Croy, Alexander
2D MATERIALS   Volume: 3   Issue: 1     Article Number: 011005   Published: MAR 2016 
Coulomb charging energy of vacancy-induced states in graphene 
By: Miranda, V. G.; Dias Da Silva, Luis G. G. V.; Lewenkopf, C. H.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 94   Issue: 7     Article Number: 075114   Published: AUG 8 2016 
The Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 superconducting four-gap temperature evolution: A multi-band Chebyshev-BdG approach 
By: Mockli, David; de Mello, E. V. L.
PHYSICS LETTERS A   Volume: 380   Issue: 33   Pages: 2565-2569   Published: JUL 29 2016 
Synthesis, characterization and antitumoral activity of new di-iron(III) complexes containing naphthyl groups: Effect of the isomerism on the biological activity 
By: Morcelli, Samila R.; Kanashiro, Milton M.; Candela, Dalber R. S.; et al.
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS   Volume: 67   Pages: 22-24   Published: MAY 2016 
Entanglement entropy after selective measurements in quantum chains 
By: Najafi, Khadijeh; Rajabpour, M. A.
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS   Issue: 12     Article Number: 124   Published: DEC 22 2016 
Formation probabilities and Shannon information and their time evolution after quantum quench in the transverse-field XY chain 
By: Najafi, Khadijeh; Rajabpour, M. A.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 93   Issue: 12     Article Number: 125139   Published: MAR 28 2016 
Langevin simulations of stripe forming systems with long-range isotropic competing interactions 
By: Nicolao, Lucas; Mendoza-Coto, Alejandro; Stariolo, Daniel A.
Edited by: Branco, NS; Figueiredo, W; Plascak, JA; et al.
Conference: 8th Brazilian Meeting on Simulational Physics (BMSP) Location: Florianopolis, BRAZIL Date: AUG 03-08, 2015 
Sponsor(s): CAPES; CNPq; UFPB; UFSC
VIII BRAZILIAN MEETING ON SIMULATIONAL PHYSICS   Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series   Volume: 686     Article Number: 012005   Published: 2016 
Gauges and functional measures in quantum gravity I: Einstein theory 
By: Ohta, N.; Percacci, R.; Pereira, A. D.
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS   Issue: 6     Article Number: 115   Published: JUN 20 2016 
Nature of the collapse transition in interacting self-avoiding trails 
By: Oliveira, Tiago J.; Stilck, Juergen F.
PHYSICAL REVIEW E   Volume: 93   Issue: 1     Article Number: 012502   Published: JAN 27 2016 
Crystal Engineering Applied to Modulate the Structure and Magnetic Properties of Oxamate Complexes Containing the [Cu(bpca)](+) Cation 
By: Oliveira, Willian X. C.; Pinheiro, Carlos B.; da Costa, Marinez M.; et al.
CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN   Volume: 16   Issue: 7   Pages: 4094-4107   Published: JUL 2016 
Quantum correlations in pumped and damped Bose-Hubbard dimers 
By: Olsen, M. K.; Chianca, C. V.; Dechoum, K.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A   Volume: 94   Issue: 4     Article Number: 043604   Published: OCT 3 2016 
One-dimensional coordination polymers constructed from binuclear 3d-4f nodes and isonicotinato spacer 
By: Patrascu, Andrei A.; Calancea, Sergiu; Allao Cassaro, Rafael A.; et al.
CRYSTENGCOMM   Volume: 18   Issue: 25   Pages: 4779-4786   Published: 2016 
Detecting entanglement of continuous variables with three mutually unbiased bases 
By: Paul, E. C.; Tasca, D. S.; Rudnicki, Lukasz; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A   Volume: 94   Issue: 1     Article Number: 012303   Published: JUL 5 2016 
Non-Markovianity through multipartite correlation measures 
By: Paula, Fagner M.; Obando, Paola C.; Sarandy, Marcelo S.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A   Volume: 93   Issue: 4     Article Number: 042337   Published: APR 26 2016 
Non-perturbative BRST quantization of Euclidean Yang-Mills theories in Curci-Ferrari gauges 
By: Pereira, A. D.; Sobreiro, R. F.; Sorella, S. P.
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C   Volume: 76   Issue: 10     Article Number: 528   Published: SEP 27 2016 
Effects of Spontaneous Symmetry Break in the Origin of Non-analytic Behavior of Entanglement at Quantum Phase Transitions 
By: Pereira, Leonardo J.; de Oliveira, Thiago R.
FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS   Volume: 4     Article Number: 51   Published: DEC 21 2016 
Multiparticle versus single sequential emission in nuclear evaporation processes 
By: Pinheiro, A. R. C.; De Assis, L. P. G.; Duarte, S. B.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 93   Issue: 3     Article Number: 034612   Published: MAR 16 2016 
Finite size corrections to scaling of the formation probabilities and the Casimir effect in the conformal field theories 
By: Rajabpour, M. A.
Classification of the sign of the critical Casimir force in two-dimensional systems at asymptotically large separations 
By: Rajabpour, M. A.
PHYSICAL REVIEW D   Volume: 94   Issue: 10     Article Number: 105029   Published: NOV 29 2016 
Entanglement entropy after a partial projective measurement in 1+1 dimensional conformal field theories: exact results 
By: Rajabpour, M. A.
Photon up-conversion production in Tb3+-Yb3+ co-doped CaF2 phosphors prepared by combustion synthesis 
By: Rakov, Nikifor; Guimaraes, Renato B.; Maciel, Glauco S.
MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN   Volume: 74   Pages: 103-108   Published: FEB 2016 
An efficient energy transfer process in Nd3+:Yb3+ co-doped SrF2 powders containing Al3+ and prepared by the combustion synthesis technique 
By: Rakov, Nikifor; Maciel, Glauco S.
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C   Volume: 4   Issue: 23   Pages: 5442-5447   Published: 2016 
Effect of Coulomb breakup on the elastic cross section of the B-8 proton-halo projectile on a heavy, Pb-208 target 
By: Rangel, J.; Lubian, J.; Canto, L. F.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C   Volume: 93   Issue: 5     Article Number: 054610   Published: MAY 12 2016 
Investigation of Fusion Mechanism for Proton-Halo System 
By: Rangel, J.; Lubian, J.; Gomes, P. R.
Edited by: GarciaRamos, JE; Alonso, CE; Andres, MV; et al.
Conference: La Rabida International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics Location: Int Univ Andalucia, Huelva, SPAIN Date: JUN 01-05, 2015 
Sponsor(s): Univ Huelva, Catedra Aiqbe; CPAN; Univ Sevilla
BASIC CONCEPTS IN NUCLEAR PHYSICS: THEORY, EXPERIMENTS AND APPLICATIONS   Book Series: Springer Proceedings in Physics   Volume: 182   Pages: 195-197   Published: 2016 
Binuclear Lanthanide-Radical Complexes Featuring Two Centers with Different Magnetic and Luminescence Properties 
By: Reis, Samira G.; Briganti, Matteo; Soriano, Stephane; et al.
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY   Volume: 55   Issue: 22   Pages: 11676-11684   Published: NOV 21 2016 
First coordination compounds based on a bis-(imino nitroxide) biradical and 4f metal ions: synthesis, crystal structures and magnetic properties 
By: Reis, Samira G.; Briganti, Matteo; Martins, Daniel O. T. A.; et al.
DALTON TRANSACTIONS   Volume: 45   Issue: 7   Pages: 2936-2944   Published: 2016 
Influence of chemical doping and hydrostatic pressure on the magnetic properties of Mn1-xFexAs magnetocaloric compounds 
By: Rocco, D. L.; de Campos, A.; Carvalho, A. Magnus G.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 93   Issue: 5     Article Number: 054431   Published: FEB 29 2016 
Correlations in electrically coupled chaotic lasers 
By: Rosero, E. J.; Barbosa, W. A. S.; Martinez Avila, J. F.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW E   Volume: 94   Issue: 3     Article Number: 032210   Published: SEP 12 2016 
Shortcut to adiabatic gate teleportation 
By: Santos, Alan C.; Silva, Raphael D.; Sarandy, Marcelo S.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A   Volume: 93   Issue: 1     Article Number: 012311   Published: JAN 8 2016 
On the nucleon effective mass role to the high energy proton spallation reactions 
By: Santos, B. M.; Pinheiro, A. R. C.; Goncalves, M.; et al.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A   Volume: 948   Pages: 78-92   Published: APR 2016 
All-electrical production of spin-polarized currents in carbon nanotubes: Rashba spin-orbit interaction 
By: Santos, Hernan; Latge, A.; Alvarellos, J. E.; et al.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B   Volume: 93   Issue: 16     Article Number: 165424   Published: APR 18 2016 
Gauge field spectrum in massive Yang-Mills theory with Lorentz violation 
By: Santos, T. R. S.; Sobreiro, R. F.; Tomaz, A. A.
PHYSICAL REVIEW D   Volume: 94   Issue: 8     Article Number: 085027   Published: OCT 27 2016 
Remarks on the Renormalization Properties of Lorentz- and CPT-Violating Quantum Electrodynamics 
By: Santos, Tiago R. S.; Sobreiro, Rodrigo F.
BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS   Volume: 46   Issue: 4   Pages: 437-452   Published: AUG 2016 
Models of Quark-Hadron Matter and Compact Stars 
By: Schramm, S.; Dexheimer, V.; Negreiros, R.; et al.
Edited by: Andrianov, A; Brambilla, N; Kim, V; et al.
Conference: 11th Conference on Quark Confinement and Hadron Spectrum Location: Saint Petersburg, RUSSIA Date: SEP 08-12, 2014 
Sponsor(s): Saint Petersburg State Univ
XITH CONFERENCE ON QUARK CONFINEMENT AND HADRON SPECTRUM   Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings   Volume: 1701     Article Number: 080011   Published: 2016 
Scaling theory for anomalous semiclassical quantum transport 
By: Sena-Junior, M. I.; Macedo, A. M. S.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL   Volume: 49   Issue: 4     Article Number: 045101   Published: JAN 29 2016 
Biogenic approaches using citrus extracts for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles: the role of flavonoids in gold reduction and stabilization 
By: Sierra, Jelver Alexander; Vanoni, Caio Raphael; Tumelero, Milton Andre; et al.
NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY   Volume: 40   Issue: 2   Pages: 1420-1429   Published: 2016 
A novel double-focusing time-of-flight mass spectrometer for absolute recoil ion cross sections measurements 
By: Sigaud, L.; de Jesus, V. L. B.; Ferreira, Natalia; et al.
REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS   Volume: 87   Issue: 8     Article Number: 083112   Published: AUG 2016 
Electronic Transport along Hybrid MoS2 Monolayers 
By: Sivaraman, Ganesh; de Souza, Fabio A. L.; Amorim, Rodrigo G.; et al.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C   Volume: 120   Issue: 41   Pages: 23389-23396   Published: OCT 20 2016 
Benchmark investigation of diamondoid-functionalized electrodes for nanopore DNA sequencing 
By: Sivaraman, Ganesh; Amorim, Rodrigo G.; Scheicher, Ralph H.; et al.
NANOTECHNOLOGY   Volume: 27   Issue: 41     Article Number: 414002   Published: OCT 14 2016 
Predicting Planck Scale and Newtonian Constant from a Yang-Mills Gauge Theory: 1-and 2-Loop Estimates 
By: Sobreiro, Rodrigo F.; Tomaz, Anderson A.
Advances in High Energy Physics     Article Number: 9048263   Published: 2016 
By: Srivastava, P. C.; Kumar, Vikas; Ermamatov, M. J.
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B   Volume: 47   Issue: 9   Pages: 2151-2162   Published: SEP 2016 
Chemical disorder determines the deviation of the Slater-Pauling rule for Fe2MnSi-based Heusler alloys: evidences from neutron diffraction and density functional theory 
By: Tedesco, J. C. G.; Pedro, S. S.; Vivas, R. J. Caraballo; et al.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER   Volume: 28   Issue: 47     Article Number: 476002   Published: NOV 30 2016 
Comparison of the ferromagnetic Blume-Emery-Griffiths model and the AF spin-1 longitudinal Ising model at low temperature 
By: Thomaz, M. T.; Correa Silva, E. V.
JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS   Volume: 401   Pages: 633-646   Published: MAR 1 2016 
Contribution of the basis-dependent adiabatic geometric phase to noncyclic evolution 
By: Thomaz, M. T.
MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B   Volume: 30   Issue: 4     Article Number: 1650021   Published: FEB 10 2016 
Comment on "Line of Dirac Nodes in Hyperhoneycomb Lattices" 
By: Verissimo-Alves, Marcos; Amorim, Rodrigo G.; Martins, A. S.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS   Volume: 116   Issue: 24     Article Number: 249701   Published: JUN 17 2016 
Noise-induced absorbing phase transition in a model of opinion formation 
By: Vieira, Allan R.; Crokidakis, Nuno
PHYSICS LETTERS A   Volume: 380   Issue: 34   Pages: 2632-2636   Published: AUG 6 2016 
Phase transitions in the majority-vote model with two types of noises 
By: Vieira, Allan R.; Crokidakis, Nuno
PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS   Volume: 450   Pages: 30-36   Published: MAY 15 2016 
Consequences of nonconformist behaviors in a continuous opinion model 
By: Vieira, Allan R.; Anteneodo, Celia; Crokidakis, Nuno
Experimental evidences of enhanced magnetocaloric properties at room temperature and half-metallicity on Fe2MnSi-based Heusler alloys 
By: Vivas, R. J. Caraballo; Pedro, S. S.; Cruz, C.; et al.
MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS   Volume: 174   Pages: 23-27   Published: MAY 1 2016 
Radon concentration in air and external gamma dose rate: is there a correlation? 
By: Yoshimura, Elisabeth M.; Rodrigues Da Silva, Almy A.; dos Anjos, Roberto M.; et al.
JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY   Volume: 307   Issue: 1   Pages: 787-792   Published: JAN 2016 
Elastic and inelastic angular distributions of the Li-7+Sn-120 system for energies near the Coulomb barrier 
By: Zagatto, V. A. B.; Oliveira, J. R. B.; Gasques, L. R.; et al.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS   Volume: 43   Issue: 5     Article Number: 055103   Published: MAY 2016 


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