Fano effect and its influence on electronic and thermoelectric properties of quantum dots
Pedro Orellana (Universidad Católica del Norte)
In this talk we will show new results on transport and thermoelectric properties of a double quantum-dot molecule. This system is described by a transmission amplitude with two components of different spectral line-widths, the combination between them giving rise to a convolution of a Breit-Wigner and a Fano resonance in the transmission probability. We show that thermo-power and figure of merit have a significant increase in the Fano line shape regime. Our analytical results show clearly that the enhancement of the thermoelectric efficiency comes from the Fano antiresonances, which are also responsible for the failure of the Wiedemann-Franz law. In the framework of a noninteracting model, we use the Sommerfeld expansion to derive analytical expressions of the thermo-power, the electric and thermal conductances, and the figure of merit. The Fano antiresonances in transmission demand that terms usually discarded in the Sommerfeld expansion are taken into account.
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