Lembramos que amanhã, terça-feira (14/11), às 11:00, na sala de seminários 201, teremos o colóquio ministrado pelo Prof. Dr. Manuel Schabus (Universität Salzburg).
O título e o resumo da apresentação seguem abaixo. Um lanche será servido quinze minutos antes.
Contamos com a presença de todos.
A Comissão
Título: Information processing in altered states of consciousness
Consciousness is a vaguely defined term and still many cognitive neuroscientists try to tackle the mysteries behind it using various neuroimaging techniques. In my talk I will give an overview of our research at the Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience Salzburg (CCNS) and specifically present a range of studies of our laboratory for ?Sleep and Consciousness? which address cognitive processing in the absence or alterations of consciousness. I will cover spontaneous brain activity and how it shapes conscious experiencing and will then shortly discuss the influence of circadian rhythmicity and the variations of consciousness over a 24hr day. Last but not least I will provide empirical evidence from sleep, Disorder of Consciouness (DOC) and perinatal baby studies where we measure brain activity in ?altered states of Consciousness? using M/EEG and fMRI.
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