- Title:
- Néstor Ortiz (Perimeter): On the stability of naked singularities
- When:
13.06.2017 10.00 h
- Where:
Sala de seminário, 5o andar da Torre Nova -
- Category:
Seminário do grupo de Física Teórica
Convidamos toda a comunidade para o seminário extraordinário do grupo de Física Teórica a ser realizado no dia 13 de Junho (terça-feira) às 10h na sala 528.
Palestrante: Néstor Ortiz (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Title: On the stability of naked singularities arising from collapsing spherical dust stars.
Abstract: I will review the stability problem of the Cauchy horizon associated to a globally naked, shell-focusing singularity arising from the complete gravitational collapse of a spherical dust star. To this purpose, I analyze the behavior of test fields and odd parity, linear gravitational perturbations in the vicinity of the singularity and along the Cauchy horizon. Based on energy estimates, I derive pointwise bounds for Klein-Gordon fields, implying that they cannot diverge at the Cauchy horizon, except possibly at the singular point. In the case of odd-parity, linear gravitational and dust perturbations of the collapsing spacetime, I will prove that the relevant gauge-invariant combinations of the metric perturbations stay bounded away from the singularity, meaning that no divergences can propagate in the vacuum region. I will discuss on implications of these results for the Weak Cosmic Censorship Conjecture.
- Group:
Sala de seminário, 5o andar da Torre Nova
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