One-dimensional anyons under three-body interactions.
SALA 429, 5a feira, 04/05. 11h00
Prof. Jereson Silva-Valencia
Departamento de Fisica
Universidade Nacional da Colombia
Anyons are a third class of particles with nontrivial exchange statistics,
particles carrying fractional statistics that interpolate between bosons
and fermions. In the last years, it has been made some proposals to emulate
an anyon gas by confining bosonic atoms in optical lattices [ Nat. Commun.
2, 361 (2011)]. In this work, we studied the ground state of anyons
interacting through local three-body terms in one-dimension, motivated by
recent experimental and theoretical studies about multi-body interactions
in cold atoms setups. We used the density-matrix renormalization group
method to find the phase diagram and the von Neumann block entropy to
determinate the critical point position. The main quantum phases found are
the superfluid and the Mott insulator ones. For the statistical angle ? =
? /4, the phase diagram shows that the Mott lobes are surrounded by
superfluid regions, the Mott lobes increase with the density and the first
Mott lobe has two anyons per site. We found that a Mott lobe with one anyon
per site, it is possible for larger statistical angles, a fact that it is
impossible with bosons.
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