Na próxima quarta-feira, 04/05/2011, às 16:30, na sala 201, haverá um colóquio ministrado por Fausto O. Bredice, do Centro de Inv. Opticas, La Plata - Argentina.
Será servido um lanche às 16:00.
O título do colóquio é "Characterization of a laser generated plasma through its perturbation in an electrical field: interaction between two laser-generated plasmas"
Contamos com a sua presença.
Resumo: Laser-induced plasmas inside a parallel plate capacitor cause a redistribution of the electric charge between the plates. This effect is measured as a voltage drop through a resistor connected to the ground plate. The signal amplitude is related to the electron density of the plasma ??In a previous work, this signal was characterized as a function of the laser energy and was found to be helpful for focusing laser pulses onto a target ? In this work, we analyzed the signal as a function of the interaction between two nanosecond, collinear, laser-induced plasmas in air for different laser energies, pulse delays and distance between focusing points. This technique may be used to analyze the evolution of laser-induced plasmas in early stages of their formation.
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