- Title:
- E.Goles - "Complexity of the Schelling’s segregation model"
- When:
22.10.2010 16.00 h
- Where:
Sistemas Complexos -
- Category:
"Dynamics and complexity of the Schelling’s segregation model"
Eric Goles
UAI, Santiago
Instituto de Sistemas Complejos, Valparaiso, Chil
Thomas Schelling won the Nobel prize in Economics, 2005, with Robert Aumann, “ for having enhanced our understanding of conflict and cooperation through game-theory analysis” . In 1969 Schelling published a seminal article called "Models of Segregation". In that paper he showed that a small preference for one's neighbors to be of the same color could lead to total segregation In mathematical terms, Schelling’ s segregation model consists in a lattice such that each site is in one of two states (say x = –1 or +1). A site at state x is “ unhappy” if there are more than a specific critical number of neighbors in the opposite state –x. The dynamics consists to exchange at random a couple of unhappy sites in opposte states. I will study this model for different Critical thresholds, dimensions and neigborhoods. I will prove that for some threshold the model is driven by an energy like spin glassses and from the computational complexity point of view I will classify the different dynamics accordingly if one may or not find shortcut algorithms to know if a specific site will or
will not change its state.

- Group:
Sistemas Complexos
- Street:
Sala A5-01 Instituto de Física
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