Nesta sexta-feira, 11/11, teremos a oportunidade de estar com o prof. Noah Finkelstein, da University of Colorado Boulder, especialista em ensino de física em nível universitário. Ele fará uma oficina (workshop) à tarde com todos os interessados.
A oficina, intitulada "State of the Art and Getting Started in PER (Physics Education Research)", ocorrerá às 14:00 na antiga biblioteca do 1P.
Todos são muito bem-vindos!
Oficina: "State of the Art and Getting Started in PER"
Physics has been considered among the leads of the disciplines making scholarly inquiry into the nature of education with our fields. In this interactive discussion, I provide a theoretical framing of learning and educational systems that allows us to summarize a broad array of both the history of physics education research (PER) as well as some of the state-of-the art questions being examined. We will engage in discussion about ways of getting started and muse about future directions of the field.
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