Todos os Eventos
- Título:
- Paola Ayala (Viena): clean nanotubes with ultra-low heteroatom substitutional doping
- quando:
14.05.2013 11.00 h
- onde:
Sala de reuniões (antiga sala da Biblioteca) - 1P -
- Categoria:
Seminários do grupo de Matéria Condensada
TERÇA-FEIRA (14/5) às 11h, antiga sala da biblioteca:
Título: Towards the production of clean nanotubes with ultra-low heteroatom substitutional doping
Palestrante: Paola Ayala (Universidade de Viena)
Resumo: The practical difficulties to produce ultra-clean, nearly defect-free single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) have constantly appeared as stumbling blocks to have a direct proof of their predicted properties. This is not surprising because the electronic and optical properties SWCNTs are very sensitive to the chemical environments. I will show our recent progress on establishing the prerequisites for studying the rich low-dimensional physics of substitutionally doped SWCNTs. It will be discussed how <span index="91" name="incorrect" class="incorrect">metallicity</span>-sorting combined with high energy spectroscopy techniques can nicely disentangle the characteristic density of states of functionalized SWCNTs unambiguously. An insight into the influence of doping, chemical interactions on the electronic ground state and the electronic transport properties of SWCNTs will be presented. We will discuss the changes in the site selective electronic structure within various types of metallicity pure SWCNTs (metallicity-sorted and functionalized) and substitutionally doped SWCNTs (with B, N and P).
Local: antiga sala da biblioteca
Horário: 11h - TERÇA-FEIRA (14/5).
- Grupo:
Sala de reuniões (antiga sala da Biblioteca) - 1P
- Rua:
Instituto de Física, andar 1P
- CEP:
- Cidade:
- País:
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