Nesta quinta-feira (02/05) às 11h na sala 429 (torre nova) teremos o
seminário da palestrante Thereza Paiva. São todos muito bem vindos!
Segue abaixo o título e resumo:
Palestrante: Thereza Paiva (UFRJ)
Titulo: A kaleidoscope of phases tuned by dipole orientations in the
Hubbard model
Resumo: We investigate the emergence of a myriad of phases in the
strong coupling regime of the dipolar Hubbard model in two dimensions.
By using a combination of numerically unbiased methods in finite
systems with analytical perturbative arguments, we show the
versatility that trapped dipolar atoms possess in displaying a wide
variety of many-body phases, which can be tuned simply by changing the
collective orientation of the atomic dipoles. We further investigate
the stability of these phases to thermal fluctuations in the strong
coupling regime, highlighting that they can be accessed with current
techniques employed in cold atoms experiments on optical lattices.
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