Gostaria de convidar a todos nesta sexta-feira (07 de julho) para nossa
reunião de grupo de física nuclear. Irá acontecer na sala 528 da torre nova
das 14hs as 16hs. Para a reunião teremos um seminário apresentado pelo
Dr. Vinicius Antonio Zagatto (IF-UFF). O título e resumo seguem abaixo:
Title: *Theoretical approach for ?heavy? systems at high energies ? Nuclear
rainbow pattern*
Abstract:New data for the 16O+60Ni system at 260 MeV were obtained and an
alternative theoretical approach (the inclusion of the imaginary part of
the nuclear potential in the inelastic deformations) was addopted.
Calculations for existing data on 16O+27Al reaction at 280 MeV using the
same procedure were performed. Good agreement of data and theoretical
analysis show that both data present the existence of a nuclear rainbow
pattern. In these systems, the origin of the rainbow does not come from the
typical strong nuclear potential but from the coupling of excited states,
revealing a dynamical rainbow pattern.
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