Na próxima terça-feira (14/06), às 11:00 h, na sala de seminários 201, teremos o colóquio ministrado pelo Prof. Dr. Luiz E. Oliveira (UNICAMP).
O título e o resumo da apresentação seguem abaixo. Contamos com a presença de todos.
A Comissão
TÍTULO: A taste of photonics and metamaterials
Resumo: In the last few years, many experimental and theoretical works have been devoted to the study of the physical properties of photonic crystals, which are artificial periodic arrays of materials with different refractive indices. This interest is motivated by the new perspective that such structures provide us in our ability to control the properties of light, leading to a new era of optical devices. The experimental realization of metamaterials, or left-handed materials (LHMs), has opened up interesting possibilities in the study of photonic heterostructures. In this respect, periodic, quasiperiodic and disordered structures, made up of bilayers AB composed of materials with positive (RHM) and negative (LHM) indices of refraction, have been the subject of both experimental and theoretical investigations. Here, we present some recent results obtained within the Maxwell framework and using a transfer-matrix technique. Absorption effects, quasi-periodic and disordered 1D superlattices are also investigated.
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