Dando continuação ao ciclo de seminários informais de Matéria Condensada
teremos na próxima quinta-feira (22/08), às 11h, o seminário
Título: Cold atom systems: a mesoscopics laboratory
Palestrante: Tobias Micklitz (CBPF)
Ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices have become one of the primary
testing grounds for the study of fundamental aspects of quantum
mechanical systems due to their possibility to control system
parameters, such as nonlinear potentials and particle-interactions.
One specific type of experiment is the `quantum-quench experiment', in
which the system initially is prepared in some stationary state and,
upon application of some perturbation, its further time-evolution is
monitored. In the talk a recently suggested and tested variant of the
`quantum-quench experiment', allowing to study signatures of Anderson
localization, is discussed and extensions of the existing work will be
Local: antiga sala da biblioteca
Horário: 11h - quinta-feira (22/08).
São todos bem vindos!
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