Na próxima quarta-feira, 18/05/2011, às 16:15, na sala 201, haverá um colóquio ministrado por Rajiah Simon, The Institute of Mathematical Science Chennai - Índia.
Será servido um lanche às 16:00.
Título: "Hamilton's turns as a visual tool-kit for efficient analysis and
design of single-qubit unitary gates"
Resumo: Hamilton, in the course of his studies on quaternions, introduced a powerful geometric or visual construct called 'turns'. It is analogous to the 'parallelogram-law' of vector addition, but now applies to the nonabelian group SU(2) rather than the abelian translation group. In this construct, every element of SU(2) is represented as an equivalence class of directed great circle arcs; the matrix product of two elements of SU(2) then gets faithfully transcribed into the geometric addition of the corresponding directed great circle arcs. The power of this beautiful construct will be demonstrated through a graded sequence of simple to more profound visual exercises. The talk assumes no prior knowledge of ANYTHING.
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