Na próxima segunda-feira, dia 21/08, acontecerá o seminário de Física Teórica às 11:00 na sala 201. Todos são bem-vindos! Os detalhes seguem abaixo:
Palestrante: Laurent Baulieu (CNRS and UPMC, Paris)
Título: Higher order stochastic equation for the quantum gravity of the primordial time
Resumo: Here we suggest that quantum gravity might obey the laws of a stochastic quantization that is governed by a higher order Langevin equation rather than by a first order stochastic equation (or, equivalently, a higher order Fokker-Planck equation).
With this consistent modification of the quantisation, fast vacuum fluctuations may occur when the stochastic time evolves and modify the smooth stochastic time relaxation phenomena that governs quantum physics when the equation is first order. Vacuum fluctuations are accompanied by an abundance of quantum creations and annihilations of the relevant quantised states of the systems.
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