A taste of photonics: plasmon polaritons in one-dimensional photonic metamaterial superlattices
Luiz E. Oliveira (Unicamp)
A comprehensive study of the properties of plasmon polaritons in one-dimensional photonic metamaterial superlattices is performed. The system is assumed to be made up of positive-refraction and metamaterial layers, with a Drude-type dispersive response for both the dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability of the left-handed material. Maxwell's equations are solved for oblique incidence by using the transfer-matrix formalism, and the photonic dispersion and transmission spectra for the propagation of obliquely incident electromagnetic fields are obtained. Results indicate propagation of magnetic (electric) plasmon polaritons in the case of TE (TM) modes. Moreover, we analytically demonstrate, in the long wavelength limit, that the dispersion is the same as that one would obtain by considering a single effective medium with Drude-type responses at shifted electric and magnetic plasmon frequencies. We also show that the non-Bragg <n(w)>=0 and plasmon-polariton gaps that arise in these meta-stacks correspond to regions of the low-energy spectrum in which the effective medium is absorptive, exhibiting an imaginary effective refraction index. Absorption effects, quasi-periodic and disordered 1D superlattices are also investigated [1-2].
1. E. Reyes-Gómez, N. Raigoza, S. B. Cavalcanti, C. A. A. de Carvalho, and L. E. Oliveira, Phys. Rev. B81, 153101 (2010); D. Mogilevtsev, E. Reyes-Gómez, S. B. Cavalcanti, C. A. A. de Carvalho, and L. E. Oliveira, Phys. Rev. E81, 047601 (2010); D. Mogilevtsev, F. A. Pinheiro, R. R. dos Santos, S. B. Cavalcanti, and L. E. Oliveira, Phys. Rev. B82, 081105(R) (2010).
2. C. A. A. de Carvalho, S. B. Cavalcanti, E. Reyes-Gómez, and L. E. Oliveira, Phys. Rev. B 83, 081408(R) (2011); J. R. Mejía-Salazar, N. Porras-Montenegro, E. Reyes-Gómez, S. B. Cavalcanti, and L. E. Oliveira, Europhysics Letters 95, 24004 (2011); C. Agudelo-Arango, J. R. Mejía-Salazar, N. Porras-Montenegro, E. Reyes-Gómez, and L. E. Oliveira, J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 23, 215003 (2011); A. Bruno-Alfonso, E. Reyes-Gómez, S. B. Cavalcanti, and L. E. Oliveira, Phys. Rev. B 84, 113101 (2011); D. Mogilevtsev, F. A. Pinheiro, R. R. dos Santos, S. B. Cavalcanti, and L. E. Oliveira, Phys. Rev. B 84, 094204 (2011); E. Reyes-Gómez, A. Bruno-Alfonso, S. B. Cavalcanti, and L. E. Oliveira, Phys. Rev. E 84, 036604 (2011).
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