Todos os Eventos
- Title:
- Thierry Ruchon (Saclay): Attosecond light pulses
- When:
01.12.2010 16.00 h
- Where:
Colóquios -
- Categoría:
Na próxima quarta-feira, 01/12/2010, às 16:00, na sala 201, haverá um
colóquio ministrado por Thierry Ruchon, do Service des Photons, Atomes et Molécules, Saclay - França.
O título do colóquio é "Attosecond light pulses: generation and applications to ex-situ and in-situ experiments"
Contamos com a sua presença.
(Mario e Fabio) Reis
Over the past few years great progress has been made for the control
of attosecond light sources, i.e. sources delivering pulses in the
10^-18 s range. This was made possible by the joint progress of the
theory of high harmonic generation (HHG) which lies at their basis,
and by the characterization tools that were developed. In the first
part of this talk, we will review some basic mechanisms at play in
such sources and the way attosecond structures could be more and more
accurately measured since the first observations in 2001. Having
these tools at hand, the second part of the talk will be devoted to
the illustration of their use in two types of experimental schemes,
so called "in-situ" and "ex-situ". First we will show how they can
provide snapshots of molecular orbitals at play in the HHG process
with an angstrom spatial resolution and attosecond temporal
resolution. Second, we will show how they can shed new light on the
temporal aspects of photoionization. Both cases will use nitrogen as
a test-case.
[1] S. Haessler et al., ?Attosecond imaging of molecular electronic wavepackets?, Nature Physics, 6, 200 (2010).
[2] S. Haessler et al., ?Phase-resolved attosecond near-threshold photoionization of molecular nitrogen",Phys. Rev. A, 80, 011404 (2009)
[3] Mansten et al. "Spectral Signature of Short Attosecond Pulse Trains", Phys. Rev. Lett, 102, 083002 (2009 )
[4] Swoboda et al, "Intensity dependence of laser-assisted attosecond photoionization spectra". Laser Physics, 19, 591-1599 (2009)

- Grupo:
- Street:
Auditório 201 - IFUFF
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Colóquios do Instituto de Física. Às quartas, no auditório 201. Os colóquios são precedidos de um chá que se inicia às 16:00.
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