Seminário do grupo de Física Estatística e Sistemas Complexos.
29/4/2010, 11h, sala 201.
Computers and Science
Bismarck V. Costa - UFMG
Simulation using computers has increasingly become a very important
approach for solving several kinds of problems in sciences. Computer
simulation can translate aspects of physical problems into a discrete
mathematical form recreating experiments and solving problems impossible
to be treated using traditional tools. Rather than adopting the traditional
theoretical practice of constructing layers of assumptions and
approximations, this modern numerical approach attacks the original
problem in all its details without making too many assumptions.
Numerical simulation provides an alternative tool of scientific
investigation, instead of carrying out expensive, time consuming or even
dangerous experiments in laboratories or on site. The numerical tools are
often more useful than the traditional experimental methods in terms
of providing insightful and complete information that cannot be directly
observed or measured, or difficult to acquire via other means.!
Numerical simulation with computers plays a valuable role in providing a
validation for theories, offers insights to the experimental results and
assists in the interpretation or even the discovery of new phenomena. It
acts also as a bridge between the experimental models and the theoretical
The importance of the computer simulation approach is recognized in the
development of high-performance processing petaflop computers. Currently,
some countries have done it, others are held in a test phase.
In this talk we intend to show the state of the art of the computer
simulation for some areas around the world...
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