O seminário de Mecânica Estatística será apresentado excepcionalmente na próxima SEXTA-FEIRA, 19/02/2016, às 11:00h, na sala A5-01 do Instituto de Física.
Título: Percolation in 2d coarsening dynamics
Apresentador: Marco Picco (LPTHE-CNRS e Université Paris 6)
Resumo: After a rapid quench to a subrcitical temperature, magnetised systems like the 2d Ising model are expected to evolve towards a completely magnetised system. Recent works have shown that in fact, under some conditions, the system will end up, with a finite probability, in a stripe states. The probability of having these stripe states is related to percolation exponents. In this talk, I will present results with the aim to characterise this behavior. In particular I will show that there exist a new time scale describing the appearance of percolating states at the origin of the final stripe states.
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