Home Seminários Details - Pascal Chardonnet (U. de Savoie, França): Cosmic gamma-ray bursts appear simpler than expected?

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Pascal Chardonnet (U. de Savoie, França): Cosmic gamma-ray bursts appear simpler than expected?
04.02.2016 10.00 h
Sala de seminário, 5o andar da Torre Nova -


Seminário de Astrofísica


Prezados colegas,

É com imenso prazer que convido todos ao Seminário de Astrofísica que será realizado no próximo dia 03/02/2016, as 10h, na sala de seminários do 5º andar da torre nova.

O palestrante é o Prof. Pascal Chardonnet da  Université de Savoie, Chambéry – França.

Todos são bem vindos!

Seguem abaixo o titulo e resumo do seminário:


Cosmic gamma-ray bursts appear simpler than expected ?



The cosmic gamma-ray bursts are certainly an enigma in astrophysics. The "standard fireball" scenario developed during many years has provided a possible explanation of this phenomena.

In collaboration we KIAM Moscow, we have proposed in 2010, a new possible interpretation by developing a coherent scenario inside the global picture of stellar evolution. At the basis of our scenario is the fact that maybe we have not fully understood how the core of a pair instability supernovae explode. In such way, we have proposed a new paradigm assuming that the core of such massive star, instead of doing a symmetrical explosion, is completely fragmented in hot spots of burning nuclear matter.

We have tested our scenario using some observational data like GRB spectra, light curves, Amati relation and GRB-SN connection, and for each set of data we have proposed a possible physical interpretation. We have also suggested some possible tests of this scenario by measurement at high redshift. If this scenario is correct, it tells us simply that cosmic gamma-ray bursts are simply a missing link in stellar evolution.


Sala de seminário, 5o andar da Torre Nova


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