- Title:
- Roberto Linares: The elastic scattering of 16O on 27Al at Elab = 280 MeV
- When:
08.05.2015 14.30 h
- Where:
Auditório 201 -
- Categoría:
Seminário de Física Nuclear
Gostaria de convidar a todos para a reunião física teórica que irá acontecer nessa sexta-feira (08/05/2015) às 14:30h na sala 201 . Nessa semana a reunião será apresentada pelo Prof : Roberto Linares (IF-UFF) com o seguinte tema :
Tema: The elastic scattering of 16O on 27Al at Elab = 280 MeV: a tale of CC calculations
resumo:Nuclear rainbow is a phenomenon described in the framework of wave scattering theory and characterized by the interference between near and far side components. It appears in the elastic channel for weakly absorptive systems like 12C + 12C, 16O + 16O, while for other systems it is suppressed due to loss of flux to open reaction channels. In a previous work, experimental data have indicated an unexpected nuclear rainbow-like pattern in the elastic scattering of 16O + 27Al at 100 MeV [1,2]. A parameter free calculation using the Sao Paulo potential as real part of the optical potential and an imaginary part based on the Glauber model [3] reproduces experimental data when couplings to inelastic channels are taken into account and even predicts a more prominent rainbow-like structure at higher energies.
In this work I will present the experimental data for the 16O + 27Al system at Elab = 280 MeV and it will be discussed some calculations performed so far. At this point the best agreement between calculation and experimental data is achieved when a Nr = 0.6 is applied to the Optical Potential.
- Grupo:
Auditório 201
- Street:
Av. Litorânea
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