O seminário de Mecânica Estatística da próxima semana será apresentado na segunda-feira, 30/09/2013, às 11:00h, na sala A5-01 do Instituto de Física.
Título: Universal fluctuations in KPZ growth
Apresentador: Tiago José de Oliveira (UFV)
Resumo: A great advance has been achieved recently in the study of dynamic
scaling properties of growing interfaces, with the exact calculation
of height distributions (HDs) for the non-linear Kardar-Parisi-Zhang
(KPZ) class, in d=1+1, and their experimental confirmations. In this
seminar, I will present a short review of these advances as well as
numerical results showing the universality of the HDs in
non-solvable models, such as Eden and ballistic deposition models.
The generalization of 1+1 results for higher dimensions will be also
discussed and the first experimental confirmation of the
universality of the KPZ height distributions in d=2+1 will be
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