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Vaughan R Voller (U. Minnesota): Anomalous Moisture Infiltration
27.11.2017 11.00 h
Sala de seminário, 5o andar da Torre Nova -


Seminário de Mecânica Estatística


seminário de Mecânica Estatística será apresentado na próxima segunda-feira, 27/10/2017. 

Atenção para a MUDANÇA de DATA e HORÁRIO exclusiva para este seminário: será às 11h na sala 528 da Torre Nova do Instituto de Física. 

Titulo: Anomalous Moisture Infiltration
Apresentador: Vaughan R Voller - Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering, University of Minnesota

Under a pressure gradient moisture will infiltrate into porous media.  In a horizontal configuration, if the media is homogeneous, the advance of the moisture front should exhibit the classical diffusion scaling, i.e., go as the square root of time. It is observed in both numerical simulation and experiment, however, that infiltration into a heterogeneous medium that contains flow obstacles  laid-out as a fractal carpet can exhibit anomalous time exponents that are less than the square root . In this light, our tasks here will be to explain the mechanics of this anomalous transport and provide a capability of predicting the infiltration time exponents directly form the measures of the obstacle field.


Sala de seminário, 5o andar da Torre Nova


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